C harting O ur F uture A Land Use Initiative
3. Encourage a diversity of housing types. The Town will encourage additional housing options that are both affordable and desirable for households and individuals with a range of income levels. Accordingly, the Town seeks to facilitate both the development of traditional single-family homes as well as to address the “Missing Middle” of housing units, which includes a variety of housing types between single-family homes and large apartment buildings. In addition, this diversity of housing types should include provisions for student housing. Creation of these diverse housing types is constrained by the Town’s limited ability to annex property outside of its borders and its desire to create housing units without contributing to sprawl. The intent of this statement is to enable:
4. Promote distinctive, safe, and attractive neighborhoods. The Town should preserve and enhance established neighborhoods by directing dense growth to multimodal and key transportation corridors facilitating connections to those corridors in order to promote a multi- modal network thereby potentially reducing vehicular trips and increasing mobility options. Such connections should be done with care to minimize through traffic on residential streets. The intent of this guiding statement is also to: A. Protect and preserve the Town’s historic neighborhoods as well as its Neighborhood Conservation Districts;
B. Preserve and enhance the varied and distinct residential character of existing residential neighborhoods;
A. The development of duplexes, triplexes, fourplexes, and accessory dwelling units with an approval process and requirements similar to that of single-family detached dwellings. These small scale multi-family uses could fit within the fabric of some existing single family neighborhoods, as long as they are carefully integrated into the existing neighborhoods and provide additional housing units for the Town;
C. Protect neighborhoods from potential adverse impacts associated with adjacent non-residential uses by proper mitigation measures that address scale, massing, traffic, noise, appearance, lighting, drainage, and stormwater; and,
B. The development of townhouses, at the edge of established neighborhoods, to act as a transitional use and provide for additional housing options;
D. Safeguard existing neighborhoods as students move into established neighborhoods.
5. Cultivate a vibrant and inclusive community. The Town should encourage new opportunities, through the built environment, that promote a sense of place and community for those who live, work, and visit Chapel Hill. This encouragement includes the creation of “third places,” meaning those places close to home or work where unintentional social connections happen routinely. These unintentional connections may happen on the sidewalk, in pocket parks, and at plazas. To facilitate these opportunities for unintentional connections, the Town will consider: A. Intentionally designing the public spaces of the Town including the interface between private properties and the public environment, which most often is the street;
C. The continued construction of single-family detached dwelling units;
D. Small lot single-family subdivisions, where appropriate, that utilize the principles of traditional residential neighborhood design to create compact, livable, and accessible neighborhoods; and, E. Purposefully built off-campus student housing in appropriate locations within proximity to alternative transportation such as transit and pedestrian/bike facilities as well as access to shopping and convenience to campus. .
Placemaking is the process of creating quality places that people want to live, work, play, and learn in. They are interesting, visually attractive, and often encourage a wide variety of activities.
B. Methods to weave public space, including plazas and pocket parks, into private projects through public- private partnerships, regulatory incentives, and other creative means;
C. Requiring a mixture of land uses, residential; retail; office; civic, adjacent to each other or stacked vertically in certain strategic locations to invigorate certain streets;
D. Enabling the creation of publicly accessible spaces that contain seating, access to food, Internet connectivity and landscape elements, particularly near transit locations; and,
E. Proactively planning for the location of publicly accessible spaces in each Focus Area.
Town of Chapel Hill |
| December 2020
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