Register 2021

the title. However, it is great to note that the Year 13 boys, led by Hendrix Taylor and Jack Jones, were strong in leading the whole school Haka and supporting other Houses in their preparations. Exams shifted, assessment dates changed, functions were postponed and finally cancelled, not to mention live-streaming … the end of the year was going to look much different. I was ecstatic when we were able to go ahead and farewell our Year 13 boys in a suitable fashion. Unfortunately, this was going to be the only chance to honour them in an appropriate manner. Richards House has had some characters grace the dorms. This year’s group were no exception. We farewell Peter Bodie-Healy, Jack Jones, Harry McDrury, Nathan McKenzie,William Oakley, Harry Peter, Reilly Reed, Vinnie Wee, Hanson Xie, Justin Yin and Hendrix Taylor. All are fine young individuals who will leave a lasting legacy in House History. I want to take this opportunity to thank the village that is Richards House. Without the support and work of our whole community, it would be impossible to do the work that we do. 2021 has been a challenging year, and many of the challenges have come from the ever-shifting sands that are Covid-19. However, our vision for the future remains the same, and through this mire, we continue to navigate with our eyes firmly fixed on the horizon. This year has been a great year of change. Despite the obstacles, the boys have put a firm hand on the wheel of leadership. 2022 will move the House further towards the destination. So thank you to Nathan and his men and welcome Scott and his crew, empowering them with the mantle of leadership. SCHOOL COLOURS AND HONOURS TIES School Colours Jack Jones – Rugby Nathan McKenzie – Tennis and Rugby


Christ’s College Canterbury

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