Oftentimes, photographs are the only evidence that remains of a wreck or of subjects before or during tests. Making consistently good images during any inspection is a critical part of the evaluation process.
Many technical projects, most vehicle and component testing, and all accident reconstructions, product failure analyses, and other forensic investigations, require photographic documentation. Anyone involved in these technical pursuits must be able to create professional images regardless of the lighting or physical conditions. Photographs should not be “okay” or “close enough” any more than calculations or analysis should be. If the project is important enough for accurate calculations, it is important enough for accurate photographs. After testing and analysis is complete, results must be presented in court, to boards, management, or peer groups, or in reports and technical papers. This course will provide the skills necessary to consistently produce high-quality photographs for any purpose. LEARNING OBJECTIVES By attending this seminar, you will be able to: • Consistently produce quality photographs • Create complete and meaningful photographic record of any project, accident, or testing • Ascertain what equipment works, and why • Describe the photographic process used, from equipment through post-processing (necessary for many court proceedings and peer-reviewed papers) • Develop a consistent methodology for post- processing and distribution of images WHO SHOULD ATTEND Individuals who must take photographs as part of their field of work; including: accident reconstructionists, product failure analysts, forensic scientists and engineers, testing and development engineers, human factors experts, biomechanical and biomedical experts, police agencies, government agencies, and anyone needing to illustrate technical papers or books.
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