Rendall & Rittner Consultancy Services brochure 2025

Compliance, Golden Thread and Health & Safety Services

Our rigorous and wide-ranging compliance advice services include: • Health and safety • Building safety including the Golden Thread • Legal and Company Secretarial • Financial • Insurance • Lease • Warranty and maintenance

Escalating statutory and regulatory requirements pose a growing challenge for developers as a series of major legislative changes emerge around building safety. Additionally all aspects of compliance require detailed and up to date knowledge. We have the insight, expertise and resources to advise on these complex matters, and we can dynamically pivot and adapt processes and strategies. Fire safety is one of the most pressing issues facing the industry. The Building Safety Act has far-reaching implications as legislation comes into force. We are at the forefront of discussions regarding the ‘Golden Thread’ of information required about a building to keep people safe, now and in the future. This will form a crucial part of plans for buildings and, as the requirement for these records looms, we are well placed to answer the many questions around this topic.

including operation and maintenance manuals

Operationally our health and safety team oversee safety for all our sites, while our policies and procedures provide a strong framework for compliance. This ingrained commitment to health and safety across the business makes it a top priority when advising clients. In addition to our internal expertise, we have a long- standing partnership with an independent specialist health and safety consultancy that provides us with independent support and guidance.

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