
Policy: Expand and improve existing recreation facilities.

• Action: Evaluate potential substantial renovations to the Wet Zone facility for repairs, restroom improvements, and potential expansion opportunities. • Action: Provide additional recreation classes for fitness and exercise. The PACE and SAIL programs should be evaluated for potential expansion in offerings and in space (area). • Action: Provide public art in parks and along trails, especially centered on the branding of the particular destination (e.g. patriotic art at Veterans Park) and around Rowlett character or heritage.

Policy: Enhance existing recreation programming and communication.

• Action: Develop outdoor education programs in conjunction with Texas Master Naturalists and school systems. • Action: Communicate where recreation access, especially beach access, is permitted to the public via the City website, wayfinding and on-site signage, and improvements as applicable. Public beach access areas should be clearly designated.

• Action: Continue special events.

• Action: Add special events.

• Action: Introduce trending recreational activities onto the City website and in recreational programming. For example, “hide and find games” are popular and can get residents and visitors to different destinations within the city. In 2017, the hide and find games popular are Pokémon Go, painted rocks, and geocaching.


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