
Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal — Pennsylvania — March 14 - 27, 2014 — 19A


Lehigh Valley Chapter www.crewlehighvalley.org Commercial Real Estate Women

2014 L ehigh V alley B oard of D irectors

By Christa Kraftican, AIA, LEED AP + BD&C, President Commercial Real Estate Women of the Lehigh Valley

P resident C hrista K raftician , AIA, LEED AP S pillman F armer A rchhitects P resident E lect A drienne K wiatek -H olub N ational P enn B ank

ALLENTOWN, PA — Board members and commit- tee chairs of CREW Lehigh Valley met on Wednesday, February 12, for a Strategic Planning meeting to review the past year and set goals for 2014. After conducting a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) the group agreed that programs are the heart of the organization and have brought CREW LV am enviable  repu- tation within the regional real estate community, attracting attendees from New Jersey, Philadelphia and the Poconos as well as the Lehigh Valley. CREW LV PA is committed to providing the real estate community with diverse pro- grams that illustrate current trends as well as forecasting future initiatives. The group affirmed its commitment to co- ordinate a 2014 event together with a neighboring chapter, as has happened over the past two years. The Lehigh Valley chapter will continue to raise the understanding of benefits to CREW Network and the CREW Network Foundation. On a national level, CREW

P ast P resident M aureen O’M eara H ampson M owrer K reitz I nsurance

S ecretary C atherine D urso , E sq . F itzpatrick L entz & B ubba , P.C. C orresponding S ecretary P am S ullivan D esign P oint , I nc . T reasurer C indy M erritt , CPA B uckno L isicky & A ssoc . D irector at L arge J essica G entile N orthstar C onstruction M anagement /P olaris

Officers and committee members gathered to set a chapter plan for 2014

Network Foundation provides scholarships to high-perform- ing college women pursuing studies that will lead to a career in real estate. The Le- high Valley chapter will again be supporting the Founda- tion through donations and fundraising efforts led by foundation champions Kate Hart Zayaitz and Ann Ma- rie Osika . The chapter will also provide free membership

to several selected students within the chapter’s region.  On May 29, CREW LV PA will hold a gala members- only celebration at Miller Symphony Hall in Allentown, PA to celebrate its 10th an- niversary. Gail Ayers, Ph.D, CEO of CREWNetwork and Judy Nitsch, P.E., LEED AP +BD&C , president of CREW Network, will be spe- cial guests. The two national

leaders will speak at a break- fast on May 30th that will be open to guests as well as members of CREW Lehigh Valley. True to CREW’s mission of supporting women within the real estate industry, the past presidents of CREW Lehigh Valley will be exploring a program through which they can mentor girls and young women. n


M embership K elly B erfield T he D ietrick G roup , LLC

K aren D ureholz B oyle C onstruction

P ublic R elations T ina R oseberry SSM G roup

President Christa Kraftician led the discussion

CREW treasurer Cindy Merritt, CPA (left) with PR committee chair Tina Roseberry

Director Jessica Gentile (left) with community service chair Sandra Kuhns


L isa P ektor P enn C ap P roperties

GOLD Fitzpatrick Lentz & Bubba, PC.; Liberty Property Trust; Norris McLaughlin & Marcus, PA; PennCap Properties; Spillman Farmer Architects PATRON Boyle Construction Management; NAI Summit Commercial Real Estate Services North Star Construction Management; National Penn Bank CONTRIBUTORS Campbell, Rappold & Yurasits, LLP – CPA; Hampson Mower Kreitz Insurance; The Frederick Group Lafayette Ambassador Bank; Regan, Levin Bloss Brown & Savchak, PC. –CPAS

C ommunity S ervices S andra K uhns K& H C ustom W indows P rograms K risten H olmes , P.E. H olmes C unningham E ngineeriing

 FRIENDS Barry Isett & Associates, Inc.; Bukno Lisicky & Co - CPA Dietrick Group, LLC; Feinberg Real Estate Advisors J.G. Petrucci, Inc.; QNB

L ou Y urkanin S perry V an N ess I mperial R ealty

For Membership Information Contact kberfield@dietrickgroup.com

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