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Hold onto your purse strings, It’s time for college


to further their education is a daunting one. Nonetheless, thousands of kids graduating from high school each year apply to their favourite post-secondary school in hopes of securing a bright future. According to the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada, the cost of a college or university degree in Ontario ranges from $4,330 to $15,162, depending on the school and the program, and this doesn’t include residence fees. The cost for an international student can go as high as $35,000. The Financial Consumer Agency of Canada states that an average university degree in Canada for the 2013-2014 year was $5,772 with tuition costs rising every year. There are several grants, bursaries, and the possibility of scholarships for students, but the cost is still quite high. “At Queen’s University, residence alone is $13,000,” said Sarah McCormick from Vankleek Hill Collegiate Institute (VCI). “I will be taking general studies for the first year, and then developmental studies after that. I didn’t really know what I wanted to do at first.” McCormick visited several schools and weighed her options before making the

Going to college? Hold onto your purse strings, it’s going to be a bumpy ride, or at least a pricey one. Depending on the school and the program, a post-secondary degree can cost more than $15,000. Getting from kindergarten to college, or university is a long process, and an expensive one. It’s certainly not for the faint of heart. Hours of studying, volunteering, applying everywhere still doesn’t guarantee a spot in the school of choice. Not tomention for a lot of students, the thought of going into debt

BÉLANGER C HRYSLER D ODGE J EEP R AM Office: 613-446-2222 Fax: 613-446-5147 8501, County Road East 17 Rockland, ON K4K 1K7

VankleekHill Collegiate Institute grade 12 students, SarahMcCormick, Anika Talukder, and Ummeh Chowdhury will all be off to university this fall.The road to get there takes a lot of hard work, and it’s expensive.

CAROLE LEDUC Businessmanager Directrice commerciale

decision to go to Queen’s this September. Where do I go? Deciding what to do is a problem for a lot of students.They don’t knowwhat they want to do, let alone do it for the next 40 years or so. It can be quite overwhelming for some students when faced with the prospect of deciding what to do with the rest of their lives. VCI students DanikaMayer and Carter Brown said they will be taking a year off school to work and decide what path to take. VCI student Ummeh Chowdhury will be attending the University of Ottawa in Bio Med in the fall. “I was thinking of becoming a pharmacist, or paediatrician,” she said. “I like both. I did a co-op in a pharmacy and I loved it. But I really like the thought of paediatrics too. I chose Bio-Med because it is really flexible so I can change in second year if I decide to.” Some kids don’t seem to be bothered with all of that. They have known what they wanted to do since before they knew they had a choice. “I’ve always wanted to go into mechanics,” said former VCI student Ryan

Johnson. “I took a year off so I could work, but I always knew what I wanted to do.” Johnson will be taking the Motive Power Technician program at Algonquin College in Ottawa this fall. Several colleges and universities offer open houses during the spring, when students are shopping around, to help entice them to attend their school. Several schools offer incentives, giving away a few free inconsequential items, and offer discounts to various things to the early bird. By now, most students who have applied to post-secondary schools have received their acceptance or rejection letters, opening a whole new door of possibilities and choices. Not all schools have made their decisions yet, so for those who haven’t heard anything, there is still a chance. More information on costs and budgets for university and college is available on the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada website: forConsumers/lifeEvents/payingPostSecEd/ Pages/Budgetfo-Unbudget.aspx#tuition





Avis de convocation

Aux sociétaires de la Caisse populaire Nouvel-Horizon Inc. Vous êtes, par la présente, convoqués à l’assemblée annuelle de votre caisse qui aura lieu :

Date et heure :

le 21 avril 2015 à 19h30 Complexe JR Brisson 758 rue Brébeuf, Casselman

Endroit :

Lors de cette assemblée, les sociétaires seront entre autres invités à : 1. donner leur approbation au procès-verbal de l’assemblée annuelle du 22 avril 2014. 2. prendre connaissance des états financiers vérifiés pour l’exercice clos le 31 décembre 2014 et des différents rapports (conseil d’administration, vérificateur, comité de vérification), ainsi que les autres renseignements sur la situation financière de la caisse. Une copie des différents rapports, sauf celui du conseil d’administration, pourra être obtenue à l’assemblée ou aux bureaux de la caisse 10 jours avant la tenue de l’assemblée annuelle; 3. nommer les vérificateurs; 4. élire des administrateurs au conseil d’administration de la caisse 5. délibérer et adopter des modifications au règlement administratif 8.1.1, chapitre VIII : Conseil d’administration, section composition : de modifier la répartition des neufs sièges au conseil d’administration et la modification au règlement administratif 11.2, chapitre XI : Les Dirigeants, section élection des président, vice-président, secrétaire et trésorier : de modifier le nombre maximal de mandats consécutifs qu’un administrateur peut remplir comme président.


Élection au conseil d’administration Nombre de postes à combler :

1 poste pour le Centre de services d’Embrun/Embrun, Marionville, Russell et Vars 2 postes pour le Centre de services de Casselman/Casselman, Limoges et Moose Creek

Candidature reçue pour le poste du Centre de services d’Embrun M. Richard Labelle

Candidatures reçues pour le poste du Centre de services de Casselman Mme Nathalie Castonguay Mme Carole Prévost-Gratton M. Claude Perron

MP for Glengarry-Prescott-Russell, Pierre Lemieux, invites everyone to his upcoming Spring Gala on Saturday, April 18th, 2015, at the Wendover Community Centre. Previous galas hosted by Mr. Lemieux, featuring special guests the Honorable Steven Blaney, the Honorable Gerry Ritz, the Honorable Jason Kenney and the Honorable Peter MacKay, were tremendously successful, drawing large numbers of attendees who enjoyed the evenings. This year’s Guest of Honour will be Shelly Glover, the MP for Saint Boniface, Manitoba. “I know that you will enjoy the opportunity to meet Shelly and to hear her speak,” said Mr. Lemieux. “Ms. Glover is held in high regard by our Prime Minister and her track record of accomplishments is impressive.”

Tous les sociétaires de la caisse sont cordialement invités à participer à cette assemblée.

Le 31 mars 2015 Paul Doré Secrétaire du conseil d’administration

Caisse populaire Nouvel-Horizon

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