CWU Mental Health Services

July 2018 Prepared by: Cindy Bruns, PhD Director of Counseling

CWU Counseling Clinic Spring 2018 Quarterly Report

Strides in Addressing Supply-Demand Concerns

A significant focus for the Counseling Clinic this year has been ad- dressing the supply-demand crisis created by the increased enroll- ment at the university, ever-rising demand for services, increased severity of students’ mental health concerns, and short-staffing of the clinic. Strategies employed included increasing the number of availa- ble screening times each week, instituting a no show fee for screen- ings, adding educational workshops to the end of the quarter, and hiring a fulltime temporary counselor for spring quarter. As a result, during spring quarter:  Average wait time from call to screening was 4 days  Average days waiting for individual therapy was 6 days  Only 4 students requesting individual therapy were not able to be accommodated during spring quarter  These four students were not placed on the wait- list until May 29, 2018 or later  The addition of a fulltime temporary counselor made a significant impact on our ability to provide individual therapy services to students During Spring Quarter 2018, the Student Medical and Counseling Clinic put forth a proposed increase in the student medical and coun- seling fee to help address the overall clinic’s supply-demand con- cerns. As the proposal went before the Board of Trustees for final approval. During the initial discussion, the Trustees inquired what the Clinic really needed and if the submitted proposal was enough to meet the needs of students and the clinic. A revised proposal was submitted to the Trustees and was unanimously approved. As part of the fee increase, the Counseling Clinic will be able to move forward with hiring a new mental health counselor (the 3rd permanent posi- tion added to the clinic in the last 20 years) and move forward to- ward a telepsychiatry partnership with the University of Washington School of Medicine. The Counseling Clinic would like to publically express our deep ap- preciation for the support of the Board of Trustees and President Gaudino. Appreciation to the Student Government who also support- ed our initial proposal. We are also deeply grateful to Provost Frank, Dean Schafer, Associate Dean Hyatt, Rhonda McKinney, and Lacey Lampkins for their tireless advocacy on behalf of counseling services, and to Linda Schactler for her support in moving the proposal through the Board of Trustees process. Historic University Support for SMaCC

Inside this report

Group Therapy............................2

Referral Sources..........................2

Serving a Diverse Students..........2

Academic Standing/Age..............2

Program Evaluation ....................3

Training Program ........................3

Satisfaction Survey......................3

Staff Transitions ..........................4

Special points of interest

 353 students sought services

 1399 individual appointments

 413 group appointments

 72 crisis appointments

 8 students with recent suicide attempt or serious suicide plan with intent to die  42 students placed on wait list for individual services

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