Supercharge Your Business Ethos for Agents Playbook
For licensed life agents only | Updated February 2025
Table of contents
Why Ethos?
Underwriting & Product Overview
Getting Started as an Agent for Ethos 20
How to Contact Us
Why Ethos? 3
In today’s world, your clients expect life insurance to be like everything else: 100% online, and simple. Meanwhile, many agents seek an alternative to traditional case management, medical exams, and delays. Now, Ethos can help you unlock a better life insurance experience.
Why Ethos? 4
Why consumers need Ethos
Too many families go without life insurance.
More than 7% of kids in the U.S. lose a parent or sibling by age 18 1 . If that parent was a breadwinner, 55% of those families experience financial hardship within 6 months. 2 Life insurance is an important way many families can stay financially viable after the loss of a breadwinner.
Many want life insurance, but don’t know how to get it.
Forty-two percent of American adults say they need life insurance, or more of it, representing a life insurance need-gap for about 102 million adults.2
Ethos can offer coverage to more than 90% of applicants ages 20–85*.
E thos makes it easy for you and your clients to thri v e. T oda y' s co n s um ers are u sed t o in s t a nt o nlin e pu rc h ases — a n d h ave littl e p a ti e n ce f or w ee k s or m o nth s o f un der w r itin g . Th ro u g h Eth os , it ge n era lly t a k es a b o ut 1 0 minut es t o ge t up t o $ 2 milli o n in lif e in s u ra n ce coverage , with n o bl ood t es t or m ed i ca l e x a m n eeded , ju s t a f e w h ea lth a n d lif es tyl e qu es ti o n s.
1. Childhood Bereavement Estimation Model, National Report 2024, Judi’s House/JAG Institute; 2. 2024 Insurance Barometer Study, Life Happens and LIMRA; *Averaged across ages.
Why Ethos? 5
How Ethos works Our proprietary underwriting engine chooses an appropriate product for each client, so you don’t have to. The typical customer journey is simple and direct.
Underwriting happens quickly. Underwriting happens quickly, usually instantly, with information pulled from authorized data sources, such as motor vehicle records, prescription history, the client’s credit-based insurance score, and Medical Information Bureau (MIB) data. Our smart-routing application determines the best product fit for your client. Our algorithm will instantly route your client to the product for which they qualify. If their application isn’t instantly approved, it will be reviewed by an underwriter. They may ask your client additional questions or request documentation. Your clients can fill out the application themselves. This may be di ff erent than what you’re used to, but it’s one of the reasons we can provide life insurance coverage to your clients so quickly. Because they’re automatically routed to the right product and pricing for which they qualify, many agents fi nd the process frees up time. H ours that used to be spent assessing products are now invested in building client relationships and growing their business.
Why Ethos? 6
Why agents love Ethos
It’s easy to love Ethos. That’s because we make life insurance sales simple, easy, and profitable for agents, with a policy to fit any client need.
90 %+
100 %
industry-leading application approval rate
online experience that takes about 10 minutes
case management
70 NPS *
$2 M
Fast To get started, all you need is a valid life insurance license
superior customer service
maximum coverage
*as of June 2024
Why Ethos? 7
More to love
Superior customer ratings
70 NPS *
4.8/5 on Trustpilot
4.5/5 Google
Source: TrustPilot, January 2025
Source: Google, January 2025
Source: Delighted 30-day NPS, June 2024
Robust platform Onboard fast with comprehensive online training and ongoing webinars. Our agent portal includes an instant quoter, real-time client and earning status, and key sales tools all in one place.
Co-branded application site Once you’re onboarded with us, we’ll send you a link to your application page with your name on it. Embed this link directly into your website or send via email to clients and prospects.
Multiple ways to grow En j oy prompt weekly payment , lead connection services, and competitive compensation. R eferral rewards, bonus programs, and agency incentives o ff er additional ways to scale your business.
W e wor k wit h t h e best in t h e business
Why Ethos? 8
Our origins When founders Lingke Wang and Peter Colis were in college, Lingke was upsold a life insurance policy he didn’t need and couldn’t afford. He eventually let the policy lapse, losing the money he’d put into it. Lingke realized many Americans might not know enough about life insurance to get the right coverage for their families. He and Peter set out to make life insurance more affordable, accessible, and straightforward with the creation of Ethos in 2016.
Our mission We’re on a mission to protect the next million families.
Our people Ethos employs hundreds of team members in offices in San Francisco, California; Austin, Texas; Seattle, Washington; and Bangalore, India.
Our investors Ethos has raised over $400 million from Accel, Sequoia, SoftBank Vision Fund 2, General Catalyst, and GV. They invest in our vision for a fresh approach to life insurance.
Underwriting & Product Overview
Underwriting & Product Overview
At Ethos, we aim to be the name you consider first for all your clients. From the fittest to the most challenging cases and everyone in between, we can approve more than 90% of applicants. We reach this remarkable number using a broad array of term and whole life final expense products, and our proprietary underwriting platform that considers more than 300,000 data points in every coverage decision. This platform allows us to make underwriting decisions with greater accuracy, and fulfill our mission to protect the next million families with greater speed. We offer face amounts up to $2 million and coverage for people age 20–85. All products come with a 30-day free look period. Products are available for U.S citizens and permanent residents only.
Min/max issue age
Product type
Coverage max
Ethos Term Life – Prime
Up to $2M (varies by age)
Term life
LGA or Protective
Ameritas Life I nsurance C orp.
Ethos Term Lif e – C hoice
Up to $ 1M
Term life
Term life (increasing)
CM FG Life I nsurance C ompany
TruStage TM Term Life
Up to $300 K
J ohn H ancock Simple Term with V italit y with RO P
J ohn H ancock Life I nsurance C ompany, U.S.A.
Up to $500 K
Term life
Ethos I nde x Universal Life
I ndex universal life
Ameritas Life I nsurance C orp.
Up to $ 1M
M E M B E R S Life I nsurance C ompany
TruStage T M Advantage Whole Life
Up to $ 1 00 K
Whole life
TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance Whole Life
CM FG Life I nsurance C ompany
Up to $25 K graded death benefit
4 5-80
Whole life
1 8– 7 0 (coverage to age 80)
Accidental D eath
Accidental D eath
M utual of O maha
Up to $ 4 00 K
For full underwriting information
Please see the
Ethos Field Underwriting Guide
for detailed condition-specific ratings
and knockout conditions.
For TruStageTM products, please visit our
TruStage FAQs.
Underwriting & Product Overview
Ethos Term Life – Prime
Most selective risk class term life insurance — select agents
Legal & General America
Issue age
Age 20–65 (age nearest)
Coverage amounts
$100,000–$2 million
Age 20–50
Available face amounts by age
Age 51–60
Age 61–65
Age 20-40
10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35*, 40* yr
10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35* yr (40 yr non-tobacco only)
Age 41–45
10, 15, 20, 25, 30 yr (35 yr non-tobacco only)
Age 46–50
Term length *select agents
Age 51–55
10, 15, 20, 25 yr
10, 15, 20 yr (25 yr non-tobacco only)
Age 56-60
Age 61-65
10, 15 yr
Level for specified term period
States available
Not available in New York
Payment options
Application q uestions and t h ird-party evidence c h eck s Potential additional evidence ordered . 9 0 % instant decision . APS review for age 61 & up .
U nderwriting criteria
Preferred Plus Non- T obacc o Preferred Non- T obacc o Standard Non- T obacc o Standard T obacc o T able R atings
U nderwriting classes
Underwriting & Product Overview
Ethos Term Life – Prime (Continued)
Vehicle violations
Financial & credit history
Valid license not currently suspended or revoked. No major violations within 5 years: DUI/DWI, reckless driving, speed >90mph, accident resulting in injury, driving while license suspended. Few to no minor violations within 3 years: speeding <90mph, accident not resulting in injury, careless driving
Average customer profile
Excellent/good health with few to no chronic conditions. Any existing chronic conditions are consistently well controlled and receive regular follow-up care.
Please see the for detailed condition-specific ratings and knockout conditions. Ethos Field Underwriting Guide
Excellent/good credit resulting in low/mid CBI score depending on age
$76 ( included in premium, non-commissionable )
Annual policy fee
Accelerated death benefi t Ethos estate planning tools at no additional cost ( except S D, WA, A K , and L A )
Available riders & perks
M ultiple of annual household income : Under 30: 4 0 x
30 – 39: 35 x 4 0 –4 9: 2 5 x 50 – 59: 2 0 x 6 0 –6 5: 10x
Face amount eligibility
Based on household incom e Coverage amount cannot be greater than spouse ’ s total of insurance in-force and applied for
Financial q ualifications
Non-working spouses
M aximum coverage: $ 500k
S ingle graduate students
M aximum coverage: $ 500k
S ingle undergraduate students
M aximum coverage: $2 50k
Underwriting & Product Overview
Ethos Term Life – Choice
Moderate risk class term life insurance
Ameritas Life Insurance Corp.
Issue age
Age 20–65 (age nearest)
Coverage amounts
Age 20–50
Available face amounts by age
Age 51–60
Age 61–65
Age 20–50: 10, 15, 20, 30 year
Age 51–60: 10, 15, 20 year
Age 61–65: 10, 15 year
Term length
Level for specified term period
States available
Not available in New York & California
Payment options
Monthly via debit / credit card, AC H
Application q uestions and third - party evidence checks. Potential additional evidence ordered. 9 0 % instant decision.
U nderwriting criteria
Preferred Plu s Preferre d Standard Plu s Standard + table ratings 1 - 10
U nderwriting classes
H ealth
Financial & credit history
V ehicle violations
Average customer profil e
Ex cellent / good health with few to no chronic conditions. Any e x isting chronic conditions are consistently well controlled and receive regular follow - up care.
V alid license not currently suspended or revoke d Ma j or violations: none within 5 year s Minor violations: few to none within 3 years
Please see the for detailed condition - specific ratings and knockout conditions. Ethos Field Underwriting Guide
G ood / fair / poor credit resulting in mid / high C B I score depending on age
R eplacements
U navailable
$10 8 (included in premium, non - commissionable)
Annual policy fee
Critical, Chronic and Terminal Illness Accelerated B enefits rider included at no cost, covers 1 8 q ualifying conditions. E ligibility is sub j ect to underwriting. Certain applicants will receive only the Terminal Illness R ider (TI R ) .
Available riders & perks
E thos estate planning tools at no additional cost (e x cept S D , W A, AK, and LA)
For agent use only
Underwriting & Product Overview
TruStage™ Term Life
Term life insurance increasing premium
CMFG Life Insurance Company
Issue age
Age 20–69 (age last)
Coverage amounts
$5,000–$300,000 annually renewable to age 80
Increasing every 5 attained ages
States available
Not available in New York
Payment options
Monthly, quarterly, bi-annually, annually via ACH
Underwriting criteria
Application questions and third-party evidence checks. 100% instant decision.
B and 1 : $5,000–$100,000 combined Non-Tobacco / Tobacco rating (single risk class)
Underwriting classes
B and 2 : $150,000–$300,000 separate Non-Tobacco and Tobacco rates
Financial & credit history
V ehicle violations
Average customer pro fi l e
Good / fair / poor credit resulting in mid / high C B I score depending on age
For more information about our TruStageTM products, please visit our TruStage FAQs.
Average to fair health. Not currently disabled.
Not underwritten
R eplacements
B and 1 : $30 / B and 2 : $60 (included in premium, non-commissionable)
Annual policy fee
Convertible to whole life . E thos estate planning tools at no additional cost (e x cept S D , W A, A K , and LA).
Available riders & perks
Underwriting & Product Overview
John Hancock Simple Term with Vitality with ROP
Best/moderate risk class term life insurance — select agents
John Hancock Life Insurance Company, U.S.A.
Issue age
Age 20-50 (age last)
Coverage amounts
Age 20–50: 25 year Age 20–45: 30 year Renewable through age 94
Term length
Level for specified term period
States available
Not available in New York
Payment options
Application questions and third-party evidence checks. 100% instant decision.
Underwriting criteria
Preferred Non-Smoker Standard Non-Smoker
Underwriting classes
Please see the Simple Term with Vitality Underwriting Guide for detailed condition-specific ratings, disqualifying occupations, and knockout conditions.
Average customer profile
$ 7 2 (included in premium, non-commissionable)
Annual policy fee
Return of Premium (ROP) Rider: Returns up to 100% of premiums paid by the end of the level term period. 1 Vitality PLUS: Clients can earn rewards and discounts for the everyday steps they take to live a longer, healthier life. 2 Accelerated Benefit rider: Provides access to 50% of the death benefit if the insured is certified to be terminally ill with a life e x pectancy of one year or less.
Available riders & perks
1 The Return of Premium (R O P) rider allows for a return of a portion of the premiums at the end of the level term period or earlier if the policy is terminated prior to that point. The R O P benefit will begin as early as the second policy anniversary and the percentage of premiums available to be returned increases gradually over the term duration to a ma x imum of 100% at the end of the level term period. The R O P Rider is only available for term durations 25 and 30 and only for Standard or Preferred Non Tobacco risk classes. There is an additional cost for this rider . 2 V itality is the provider of the John Hancock V itality Program in connection with policies issued by John Hancock. The John Hancock V itality Program allows members to earn rewards based on healthy activities. V itality Program rewards and discounts are available only to the person insured under the eligible life insurance policy, are sub j ect to change and are not guaranteed to remain the same for the life of the policy. John Hancock V itality Program rewards and discounts are only available to the person insured under the eligible life insurance policy. Products or services o ff ered under the V itality Program are not insurance and are sub j ect to change. There may be additional costs associated with these products or services and there are additional requirements associated with participation in the program. F or more information, please contact the company at or via telephone at 888 -333-2 6 59.
Underwriting & Product Overview
Ethos IUL
Index universal life insurance — not available for all agents
Ameritas Life Insurance Corp.
Issue age
Age 20–65 (age nearest)
Coverage amounts
Age 20–50
Available face amounts by age
Age 51–60
Age 61–65
States available
Not available in New York
Payment options
Monthly ACH
60%+ instant decision. Potential additional evidence ordered. Applicants not eligible for an instant IUL offer will be routed to manual U/W or TruStageTM Advantage Whole Life.
Underwriting criteria
4 non-tobacco Preferred Plus Non - Tobacc o Preferred Non - Tobacc o Select Non - Tobacc o Standard Non - Tobacc o Table ratings 1 - 1 0
Underwriting classes
2 tobacco Preferred Tobacc o Standard Tobacc o Table ratings 1 - 10
V ehicle violations
F inancial & credit history
V alid license not currently suspended or revoke d Ma j or violations : none within 5 year s Minor violations : few to none within 3 years
Average customer pro fi l e
E xcellent/good health with few to no chronic conditions. Any existing chronic conditions are consistently well controlled and receive regular follow - up care
Please see the for detailed condition - speci fi c ratings and knockout conditions. Ethos Field Underwriting Guide
G ood/fair/poor credit resulting in mid/high C B I score depending on age
R eplacements
Underwriting & Product Overview
Ethos IUL (Continued)
Included at no cost Care4Life Accelerated Death Benefit or Terminal Illness (for applicants not eligible for Care4Life) Lifetime Income rider Overloan Protection Benefit (endorsement) Ethos estate planning tools at no additional cost (except SD, WA, AK, and LA)
Available at an additional cost Accidental Death Benefit Waiver of Specified Premium
Available riders & perks
Available index accounts
S&P 500® Sector Rotator Daily RC2 5% Index | 1 Yr S&P 500® Index | 1 Yr & 2 Yr BNP Paribas Momentum Multi Asset 5 Index | 1 Yr & 2 Yr
Please refer to the (Agent Resource Center » Products) for cap and par rates. All accounts have a 0% floor.] Ethos agent portal
The S&P 500® Sector Rotator Daily RC2 5% Index has limited historical information having launched on 10 / 1 9/ 201 8 . F or more information about the S&P 500® Sector Rotator Daily RC2 5% Index, visit https:/ #overview. The S&P 500® and S&P 500® Sector Rotator Daily RC2 5% are products of S&P Do w J ones Indices LLC or its a ffi liates ( “ SPD J I ” ) and have been licensed for use by Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. S&P®, S&P 500®, U S 500, The 500, iBoxx®, iTraxx® and CD X ® are trademarks of S&P G lobal, Inc. or its a ffi liates ( “ S&P ” ) ; Do w J ones® is a registered trademark of Do w J ones Trademark H oldings LLC ( “ Do w J ones ” ). Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. ’ s life insurance products are not sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by SPD J I, Do w J ones, S&P, their respective a ffi liates, and none of such parties make any representation regarding the advisability of investing in such product(s) nor do they have any liability for any errors, omissions, or interruptions of the S&P 500® or S&P 500® Sector Rotator Daily RC2 5% . The BNP Paribas Momentum Multi - Asset 5 Index (the “ Index ” ) has limited historical information having launched on 1 / 2 7/ 201 7 . F or more information about the Index, visit https:/ . The Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. ’ s life insurance product is not sponsored, endorsed, sold, or promoted by BNP Paribas or any of its a ffi liates (collectively, “ BNP Paribas ” ). Neither BNP Paribas nor any other party (including w ithout limitation any calculation agents or data providers) makes any representation or w arranty, express or implied, regarding the advisability of purchasing this product. The BNP Paribas Momentum Multi - Asset 5 Index, U S Innovative Leaders 5 Index, and U S G overnance Multi - Asset Index (the “ Indices ” ) are the exclusive property of BNP Paribas. BNP Paribas and the Indices are service marks of BNP Paribas and have been licensed for use for certain purposes by Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. Neither BNP Paribas nor any other party has or w ill have any obligation or liability to o w ners of this product in connection w ith the administration or marketing of this product, and neither BNP Paribas nor any other party guarantees the accuracy and / or the completeness of the Indices or any data included therein.
Underwriting & Product Overview
TruStage™ Advantage Whole Life
Whole Life Insurance
MEMBERS Life Insurance Company
Issue age
Age 20–85 (age last)
Coverage amounts
Age 18–70
Age 71–75
Max face amounts by age
Age 76–85
States available
Not available in Connecticut or New York
Payment options
Monthly, quarterly, bi-annually, annually via ACH
8 health questions + Rx check. 100% instant decision.
Underwriting criteria
Underwriting classes
Non-Tobacco and Tobacco
F inancial & credit history
V ehicle violations
Average customer pro fi l e
G ood / fair / poor credit resulting in mid / high CBI score depending on age
F or more information about our TruStageTM products, please visit our TruStage FAQs.
G ood to fair health. Not currently disabled.
Not underwritten
$ 3 6 (included in premium, non-commissionable)
Annual policy fee
Available riders & perks
Ethos estate planning tools at no additional cost (except S D , WA, A K , and LA)
Underwriting & Product Overview
TruStage™ Guaranteed Acceptance Whole Life
Guaranteed issue whole life
CMFG Life Insurance Company
Issue age
Age 45–80 (age last)
$2,000–$25,000 deferred death benefit. During the first two years, benefit for non-accidental death is limited to return of premium plus interest.
Coverage amounts
States available
Not available in Washington or New York
Payment options
Monthly, quarterly, bi-annually, annually via ACH
No health questions. 100% instant decision.
Underwriting criteria
Underwriting classes
Financial & credit history
V ehicle violations
Average customer profil e
Good/fair/poor credit resulting in mid/high C B I score depending on age
For more information about our T ruStage T M products, please visit our TruStage FAQs.
Not underwritten
R eplacements
Annual policy fee
Available riders & perks
E thos estate planning tools at no additional cost (e x cept SD, WA, A K , and LA)
Underwriting & Product Overview
Accidental Death
Guaranteed issue accidental death insurance
Mutual of Omaha
Issue age
18–70 (coverage to age 80)
Coverage amounts
States available
Not available in NY, MA, MN
Payment options
Guaranteed issue; no health questions or medical exams
Underwriting criteria
Getting Started as an Agent for Ethos 20
Getting Started as an Agent for Ethos
Scale your business with your Ethos agent portal!
1 The portal is already personalized with your company name.
Get familiar with your portal
2 These icons let you easily manage your business with Ethos.
3 If you are a licensed life insurance agent, you can generate a quote and assist your client with the application and sale. 4 In the Agent Resource Center, you'll find a complete library of searchable training videos, product information and marketing materials for you and your clients. 5 All agents can invite clients to apply for a life insurance policy by emailing them their unique agent landing page to get a quote.
6 You can also click on the Chat bubble at the bottom right of each page.
Century Insurance Co.
Se l e c t a p rod uc t
Create a quote or directly start an application
Index Universal Life (IUL)
Final E xpense Whole Life
Term Life Insurance
95% instant decision
95% instant decision
100% instant decision
A ff ordable coverage up to $ 2 M
P rotection up to $ 1 M
P rotection up to $ 100 K
U p to $ 25 K guaranteed issue
Top - rated carriers
G row your wealth ta x- e ffi ciently
Create quote
Start application
Create quote
Start application
Start quote & application
N ew
N ew
Term with Living Benefits
R eturn of P remium Term Life
95% instant decision
100% I nstant decision
Returns up to 100 % of premiums
P rotection up to $ 1 M
refer agents
Issued by J ohn H ancock
Access up to 9 0 % of death benefit
share website
Create quote
Start application
Start quote & application
contact us
Ethos does not provide tax advice. For tax guidance please consult your own tax advisor.
Getting Started as an Agent for Ethos 21
The basics: Go to the portal and click on Settings in the lower-right corner to complete your contact information.
Complete your onboarding
Easily see who is in the quoting process, who has applied and what their status is as well as your overall performance including policies activated and premium dollars.
Track the status of your cases
We’ll email you an invitation (from Ethos Technologies Inc, via Routable) to enter your tax information and preferred payment method. We pay commissions as earned, so you’ll be paid at the same frequency as the customer’s premiums. We pay weekly for policy activations that happen on or before the previous Friday, and bonuses monthly. Policies are considered activated once the client enters a payment method that’s successfully processed.
Get paid
For licensed life insurance agents only
for more details. “How Do I Get Paid?”
Contact us
Click “Contact Us” from any page in the agent portal.
Ready to start quoting? Go to the
now! agent portal
Getting Started as an Agent for Ethos 22
Promoting Ethos You are welcome to promote Ethos life insurance in any way you want: by phone, on your website, via emails or social media, such as Facebook or LinkedIn. But it’s important that you follow a few rules when doing so.
- Always be honest, accurate, and transparent5 - Follow our legal and compliance guidelines, - Use our marketing materials, or if producing your own1 % Before using them, submit your marketing materials to Ethos using this % State that products are not available in all states, % Never make disparaging statements about another insurer or its products, - Only use statistics that are recent and relevant, with clearly identified sources. online approval formY Make each email personal Instead of sending mass “auto-comm” emails that can end up in spam, take the time to personalize each email to your prospects. Also, make sure each has a footer that includes your or your agency’s full name, address, “This is an ad,” and an “Unsubscribe” link. Get permission before texting or calling Calling or sending text messages can be a great way to contact clients or prospects. However, you’ll need their written permission first. If they opt out by responding with “unsubscribe,” “stop,” “don’t contact me,” or something similar, you must immediately stop contacting that client. Maintain your own “Do Not Contact” list to ensure you keep track of any customer opt-outs. Cross-check your list against federal and relevant state Do Not Call/Contact lists. Use ready-made client materials You can find updated, client-approved materials that are ready for you to use and share on the agent portal.
Rules and regulations
Tips for communicating with clients
Getting Started as an Agent for Ethos 23
Marketing do’s and don’ts
We’ve included a few of the major do’s and don’ts of marketing Ethos products. Please see our for more information. legal and compliance guidelines
% Clearly disclose the name and address of the insurer anytime you advertise a policy % Prominently describe the type of policy being advertised, indicate that it is life insurance, and identify the policy form % Comply with applicable statutes, rules, and regulations % Any statistics must be cited and must be less than five years old % Clearly define the scope and extent of a recommendation by any commercial rating system % Testimonials, appraisals, or analysis must be genuine, a current opinion of the author, applicable to the policy, and accurately reproduced % All stated or implied endorsements by a group of individuals, society, or association must be factual % Clearly disclose all limitations, exclusions, or reductions. % Misrepresent the policy benefits, advantages or conditions, or use terms that are misleading or ambiguous % Make unfair or incomplete comparisons with other policies % Make false, deceptive, or misleading statements about any person, company, or organization % Offer unlawful rebates % Use terminology that would lead a prospective buyer to believe that he or she is purchasing an investment or savings plan % Omit material that is necessary to the prospective purchaser’s full understanding of the product and how it works % Use the words “special” or “limited” with regards to the policies, application process, or client groups.
Let’s get started!
We’re looking forward to working with you to build your business and protect families from financial hardship.
How to contact us
Click the “Contact Us” icon at the bottom of all pages in the agent portal. If we’re not available to talk right then, please leave us a message and we’ll return your call as quickly as possible.
All producers should be acting within the scope of their license. A life insurance license is required to sell, solicit, or negotiate life insurance. For agent use only. Not for distribution to consumers.
© 2025 Ethos Technologies Inc. Ethos operates in some states as Ethos Life Insurance Services. CA license #0L28949; AR license #100164629. Ethos offers policies issued by the carriers listed at Products and their features may not be available in all states. To help avoid requiring a medical exam, our application asks certain health and lifestyle questions. In approved states, Ethos Term Life – Prime policy (form ICC23-CDT and state variations) from Legal & General America is underwritten and issued by Banner Life Insurance Company, Urbana, MD. Banner Life and Ethos Technologies Inc. are separate and independent companies. Banner Life products are distributed in 49 states and in DC. Banner Life is not authorized as an insurer and does not do business in New York. Prime policy premiums based on preferred plus non-tobacco, preferred non-tobacco, standard non-tobacco, standard tobacco and table ratings underwriting classes.
In approved states, Ethos Term Life – Choice (form 3034 and state variations) is issued by Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. The product is not available in NY. Critical, Chronic and Terminal Illness Accelerated Benefits rider (Form ICC16 CCTIABR 11-16).
In approved states, Ethos Index Universal life insurance (form 3030 3-23 with 3030 SCH 3-23) is issued by Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. In Oregon, policy form ICC23 3030 3-23 with ICC23 3030 SCH 3-23. The product is not available in New York.
Ameritas and Ethos Technologies Inc., are separate, independent entities. Ameritas® is a marketing name for subsidiaries of Ameritas Mutual Holding Company, including, but not limited to, Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. in Lincoln, Nebraska and Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. of New York (licensed in New York) in New York, New York. Each company is solely responsible for its own financial condition and contractual obligations. For more information about Ameritas®, visit © 2024 Ameritas Mutual Holding Company.
John Hancock Simple Term is issued by: John Hancock Life Insurance Company (U.S.A.), Boston, MA 02116. Not available in New York. Policy form series ICC21 21LFTERMHE; 21LFTERMHE.
TruStage™ Simplified Issue Term Life Insurance is issued by CMFG Life Insurance Company. This is a term policy to age 80 that has premiums that increase when entering each five-year band: 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, and 75. Base Form Numbers for coverage under 100k: ICC16- A10a-039, A10a-039-2016 & over 100k ICC17-SIT-2, 2017-SIT-2. TruStage™ Guaranteed Acceptance Whole Life Insurance is issued by CMFG Life Insurance Company. Death benefit is limited the first 2 years of the policy and is limited to a return of 100% of premiums, plus 10%. Base Form Numbers: ICC16-GAWL, 2016-GAWL. TruStage™ Advantage Whole Life Insurance is issued by MEMBERS Life Insurance Company. Base Form Numbers: ICC20-WLMLIC, 2020-WLMLIC. The insurance offered is not a deposit, and is not federally insured, sold, or guaranteed by any depository institution. Product and features may vary and not be available in all states. Corporate Headquarters: 5910 Mineral Point Road, Madison, WI 53705. Proprietary and Confidential. Further Reproduction, Adaptation or Distribution Prohibited. © TruStage. LEGAL: Privacy | Terms and Conditions | Confidentiality
In approved states, Ethos Final Expense insurance policies (form series ICC21-SL SIWL, ICC21-SL GIWL and state-specific versions) are issued by Senior Life Insurance Company. The products are not available in all states.
Ethos 00-0523
GAWL, SIT1, SIT2, TAWL-4986178.14-1022-1124
John Hancock Simple Term is issued by: John Hancock Life Insurance Company (U.S.A.), Boston, MA 02116. Not available in New York. Policy form series ICC21 21LFTERMHE; 21LFTERMHE.
Estate planning tools are available under the Perks benefit issued with eligible policies sold through Ethos. Policies issued in SD, WA, AK, and LA are not eligible to receive the Ethos Estate Planning perk.
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