Avenues PT. Getting To The Core Of Back & Neck Pain

Most American adults experience back and neck pain, putting a huge physical and economic burden on the workforce because they cause people to have to miss work. While these may feel like two separate issues, neck pain and back pain are actually commonly related. Core strength can have a huge impact on your overall health and wellness. When your core is weak, it could add up to weakness in your neck and back.

Health &Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body


• Kelsey & Linda hit the Tennis Courts!

• Core Strength & Back Pain • Patient Success Spotlights • We Offer PT Supplies To Use At Home! • Healthy Recipe


Most American adults experience back and neck pain, putting a huge physical and economic burden on the workforce because they cause people to have to miss work. While these may feel like two separate issues, neck pain and back pain are actually commonly related. Core strength can have a huge impact on your overall health and wellness. When your core is weak, it could add up to weakness in your neck and back. Neck Pain 101: There are a lot of reasons why neck pain may develop, including everything from sudden incidents like a car accident or a slip-and-fall injury, to more chronic issues, such as regularly hunching over a desk at work or even practicing poor posture. One of the biggest problems with neck pain is that it often triggers headaches, as the pain is so closely connected to the spine and nervous system. What is more, adressing neck pain on your own is sometimes difficult as there is potential to cause more damage to the neck. This is why working with a physical therapist to address neck pain is wise. A physical therapist can help treat neck pain by improving range of motion, using targeted massage techniques, and by improving

strength. For example, in many situations, neck pain can be treated by improving core strength. Back Pain 101: Severe back pain impacts more than half of the population, and many of those with pain in the back as a result of injury end up dealing with that pain long term. One of the biggest problems with back pain is that once it develops, it is difficult to work around it, and many people begin modifying their movements as a result, causing their backs to compensate for the injury which eventually leads to more back pain. For this reason, back pain can frequently become a Catch-22 — avoiding the things that hurt your back could actually lead you to develop more pain in the future. Working with a physical therapist is the best way alleviate or eliminate back pain issues. Physical therapy can address back pain by helping to improve your range of motion, strengthen the muscles in your back and surrounding areas, and by using targeted massage to reduce tension. In many situations, working with a physical therapist to improve core strength can significantly reduce the severity of your back pain.

Health & Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

Linda serves in Governor’s Cup

Kelsey returns a serve

Kelsey with his doubles partner, Greg Boughton


in college, also played. This year’s Governor’s Cup tournament even had one player from Laramie who was in his early 80’s. The Governor’s Cup is a fun event put on by the Cheyenne Tennis Association. In addition to great tennis, there is plenty of food and fellowship. Governor Gordon even made a Proclamation declaring August 2nd-4th, 2019, “Wyoming Tennis Weekend.” NO REFERRAL? NO PROBLEM! Did you know we can see you for PT with or without a doctor or other healthcareprovidersreferral?Oneofourphysicaltherapistswillevaluate you, and customize a treatment plan to reduce your pain and get you moving better. Refer yourself or someone you care about!

Ourphysical therapistsKelseyKeanandLindaFroelicher like toplay tennis.They played in the 2019 Wyoming Governor’s Cup Tennis Tournament. Kelsey first played in the Governor’s Cup in 2000 when he got home from PT school. “My Dad entered me as his doubles partner that year, and I recall the first match we played.Oneof thegentlemenwasstillusingawooden racket fromBoulder,CO.” Kelsey has been playing tennis ever since, entering local tournaments. Kelseyhasplayedsinglesanddoublesatseveral levels.HehaswontheGovernor’s Cup title indoubles,butnever insingles, thoughhehasbeena runner-up in that division. This year, Kelsey played mixed doubles with Shari Foster, and men’s 4.0 doubles with Greg Boughton. He finished second in the men’s 4.0 doubles, losing in a third set. ThisyearwasLinda’sfirstGovernor’sCupTournament,butshehasbeenplaying tennissinceshewasakid.Lindaplayed3.5women’ssinglesandmixeddoubles withherhusband,Peter.Althoughher racketgotdusty inher20’s,30’sand40’s, shestartedplaying tennisagain in the last fewyears for theexercisewith friends and family. She says, “It is fun to get back into something I had put aside for awhile and remember how to play.” She has recently played a couple of local tournaments. Kelsey believes tennis is a great sport because one can play it throughout life. Kelsey’s father played doubles in the tournament this year. Linda’s son, who is

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    Youmaybesurprisedhow frequently issueswith theneckandbackactuallystem from issues with core strength. Your core refers to the muscles that make up your torso, including your abdomen. These muscles are called the core because they are at the center of your body, and they are necessary in just about every action that you engage in. Everything from walking, running, and swimming to sitting and driving require you to engage your core. Therearea lotof reasons to improvecorestrengthoutsideofanyexistingneckorback pain.Whenyou improveyourcore,youare likely toalso improveyourpostureand thereby reduce your risk of developing further back pain in the future. Furthermore, exercises thathelp improvecorestrengtharealsooftenhelpful inpromotingweight loss,and for those who are overweight, this could also help reduce pain in the neck and the back. Sometimes, when your core is weak, it can cause you to experience added pressure on areas like your neck and back. There are a lot of ways that working with a physical therapist can help you improve your core strength. You may be encouraged to practice coreexercises,whichmay includeabdominalcrunchesor leg lifts.Lightweight-training activities are also frequently helpful, as are balance-based activities like yoga. If you haven’t spent much time building core strength in the past, then working with a physical therapist isagreatplace tostart.Yourphysical therapistwillguideyou through proper postures and movements to reduce risk of injury. For more information about how to start improving your core, contact us.                   KWWSVXGRNXFRP Qr/HYHO+DUG         


  Call 307.634.0298 or visit our website at avenuesphysicaltherapy.com to schedule your consultation today! 








$ 10 off 1-hr Deep Tissue Massage Regular Price $65/hour. Massages have been proven to help with stress and anxiety, fibromyalgia, headaches, and much more! Coupon must be presented at the appointment. No duplicates. Enjoy a therapeutic massage by our very own, Donna Channel, LMT, CMT.








SCHEDULE YOUR MASSAGE BY CALLING 307-634-0298 TODAY! This offer won’t last long! Limited to the first 10 callers. Expires 10.15.19



Kelsey Kean, PT, MPT Tawna Bovero, PTA

3OD\RQ\RXUPRELOHWKHVHSX]]OHVDQGILQGWKHLUVROXWLRQVE\IODVKLQJWKHFR n° 323531 n° 34560 n° 34361 n° 34 Eric Nelson, PT Linda Froelicher, PT, MSPT














Qr/HYHO+DUG “I thought Physical Therapy was just for sissies until I worked with Linda for four months. After a year of misery and missteps I had surgery to repair a torn gluteal tendon. There was a shard of broken pelvis bone lodged under the tendon and the hip socket contained bone spurs and scar tissue. I was confined toabrace fromwaist toknee forsixmonthsand forced tousecrutches, something for which I was ill-prepared. The first day, I hobbled into Avenues PT, Linda adjusted the crutches to the correct height and showed me how to use them. Exercises under Linda, whom I affectionately called “Helga the Evil Trainer,” began immediately. She helped me strengthen muscles that had been compromised for over a year, as well as balance and endurance. She laughed at my stupid jokes, taught me how to walk correctly once the brace was off, and showed me moves that would help me avoid the back problems she saw in my future if I didn’t change my ways. Three months after surgery, Dr. Snyder at OCR said that at three months, I was where he’d hoped his patients would be at six months, and there was no need for me to return. I’m gradually reclaiming much of my active life, back to spinning, swimming, and hiking, and I’m pretty muchpain-free. Iwouldn’tbewhere IamnowwithoutLinda’shelp.So thankyou, Helga– physical therapy was time very well spent. I enjoyed every session and promise to continue working with the belts, the ball, and the weird exercises, and I look forward to gaining even more strength and mobility. I give you full credit for my success. Physical Therapy literally saved my butt.” - Barbara G. “Physical Therapy Literally Saved My Butt!”                           Qr/HYHO+DUG       

Getting Back To Work

“February 8 I broke my humerus, and was stuck in a sling for 2 months. In April, I was referred to Avenues Physical Therapy from my orthopedic surgeon. At that time I had very limited mobility, and had problems doing all daily activities like getting ready or just at my job. With continued therapy through June, I can now return to work and do all my normal activities I was doing before I broke my arm. Thanks to the great therapists at Avenues then I was able to return to work and my daily routine.” - Dawn B.


   Win! Find the misspelled word in this newsletter for your chance to win an Avenues PT Tie Dye T-shirt or a Gift Card to Mary’s Mountain Cookies! Call: 307-634-0298 *Contest for past and present patients ONLY    Qr/HYHO+DUG Call IN &



“Almost Back To My Grouchy, Old Self!”

“I started therapy with 8 broken ribs and an injured shoulder. With the help of Kelsey, I am now able to lift my arm above my head, crawl under my ATV. I am able to get up and down and work on vehicles and lawn mowers in my garage, which I couldn’t do before. I have more mobility and range-of-motion in my shoulder, and I’m able to do all my usual, everyday activities without almost any pain. The doctors told me it would take time to heal the broken ribs, up to six months, then I’ll be back to my grouchy, old self.” - Raymond B.

      Congrats to last month’s winners: Gregg Crisp & Alice Theobald


n° 328411 Kelsey Kean, PT, MPT Tawna Bovero, PTA

Eric Nelson, PT Linda Froelicher, PT, MSPT



n° 34003



CERVICAL PILLOW Pillow Only $22 With Cover $30

BIOFREEZE (Roll-on & Squeeze Tube) $10.50

WE OFFER GYM MEMBERSHIPS! ONLY $35 PER MONTH! If you’re looking for fitness options with a more comfortable environment and less crowds, we’ve got a membership for you! Call us today to learn more!

FOAM ROLLER 18” $15 38” $25

EXERCISE BALL (We fit you with the right size) 55 CM $22.50 65 CM $27.75 75 CM $33.00

611 West 18th Street Cheyenne, WY 82001 FREE TIE DYE T-SHIRTS FOR REFERRALS FREE Tie Dye T-Shirts for Patients that refer a friend or family member. These are also available for purchase for $20 each. If you or someone you know needs help, don’t delay! This offer expires 10-30-2019. Know someone who needs our help?

“I am happy to say that I have no pain now.” “ After working with Eric and Tawna for a month, I feel as good as new. I can easily cross my legs without difficulty, my range of motion is back to normal or even better. I am happy to say that I have no pain now.” - Connie G.

E X E R C I S E S F O R B A C K & N E C K PA I N R E L I E F

SIDELYING TRUNK R OTATION While lying on your side with your arms out-stretched in front of your body, slowly twist your upper body to the side and rotate your spine. Your arms and head should also be rotating along with the spine as shown. Follow your hand with your eyes. Hold for 20 seconds repeat 3 times on each side.

F ORWAR D BEND - LONG SIT TING Sit with legs straight out and lower back tall. Bend forward, keeping your lower back long to feel a stretch in the back of your thighs. Hold for 30 seconds. Return to the starting position, then repeat 3 times.




Blackened Chicken With Avocado Sauce

INGREDIENTS • 4 (4 oz) chicken breasts • 2 tbsp blackened seasoning • ½ cup plain, Greek yogurt • ½ avocado

• 1 tsp lemon juice • ½ tsp garlic powder • ⅛ tsp salt • 2 tbsp green onions, thinly sliced

DIRECTIONS Place the chicken breasts and blackened seasoning in a large resealable bag. Seal and shake a few times to evenly coat the chicken. Lightly coat a large skillet with nonstick cooking spray and heat over medium-high heat. Add the chicken and cook until cooked through, 4-6 minutes per side. Meanwhile, in a food processor, combine the yogurt, avocado, lemon juice, garlic powder, and salt and pulse until smooth and creamy. To serve, top each chicken breast with 2 tablespoons of the creamy avocado sauce and garnish with ½ tablespoon green onions.

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