Avenues PT. Getting To The Core Of Back & Neck Pain

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Linda serves in Governor’s Cup

Kelsey returns a serve

Kelsey with his doubles partner, Greg Boughton


in college, also played. This year’s Governor’s Cup tournament even had one player from Laramie who was in his early 80’s. The Governor’s Cup is a fun event put on by the Cheyenne Tennis Association. In addition to great tennis, there is plenty of food and fellowship. Governor Gordon even made a Proclamation declaring August 2nd-4th, 2019, “Wyoming Tennis Weekend.” NO REFERRAL? NO PROBLEM! Did you know we can see you for PT with or without a doctor or other healthcareprovidersreferral?Oneofourphysicaltherapistswillevaluate you, and customize a treatment plan to reduce your pain and get you moving better. Refer yourself or someone you care about!

Ourphysical therapistsKelseyKeanandLindaFroelicher like toplay tennis.They played in the 2019 Wyoming Governor’s Cup Tennis Tournament. Kelsey first played in the Governor’s Cup in 2000 when he got home from PT school. “My Dad entered me as his doubles partner that year, and I recall the first match we played.Oneof thegentlemenwasstillusingawooden racket fromBoulder,CO.” Kelsey has been playing tennis ever since, entering local tournaments. Kelseyhasplayedsinglesanddoublesatseveral levels.HehaswontheGovernor’s Cup title indoubles,butnever insingles, thoughhehasbeena runner-up in that division. This year, Kelsey played mixed doubles with Shari Foster, and men’s 4.0 doubles with Greg Boughton. He finished second in the men’s 4.0 doubles, losing in a third set. ThisyearwasLinda’sfirstGovernor’sCupTournament,butshehasbeenplaying tennissinceshewasakid.Lindaplayed3.5women’ssinglesandmixeddoubles withherhusband,Peter.Althoughher racketgotdusty inher20’s,30’sand40’s, shestartedplaying tennisagain in the last fewyears for theexercisewith friends and family. She says, “It is fun to get back into something I had put aside for awhile and remember how to play.” She has recently played a couple of local tournaments. Kelsey believes tennis is a great sport because one can play it throughout life. Kelsey’s father played doubles in the tournament this year. Linda’s son, who is

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