RecoveryPT_Is Stress Causing Your Neck Pain?


Neckpain, fortunately,canbealleviatedwithphysicaltherapy.Because neck pain is often caused by activity, different activity can cure it. Sometimes, this “activity” means “no activity.” Before you contact a professional, try reducing your neck movements. Sometimes, simply letting your neck muscles relax is enough. Ifyoudon’tseereliefwithintwoweeks,contactaprofessional.Physical therapistscan targetyourpain’ssourcebyexaminingyoursymptoms. Then, they can offer exercises that stretch, flex and relax your neck muscles. In time, your neck will become more resilient — giving you the comfort you deserve. Where after-care treatment is considered, custom-tailored neck exercises will assure your neck stays loose, limber and healthy. Ifyou’redealingwithneckpain,you’renotalone.Calloneofourclinics today and schedule an assessment. Even if your neck pain is caused by stress, it still needs attention. We’ll work side by side with your goals, creating the proactive, effective programs you need to achieve mobility once more.

For more information about how Recovery Physical Therapy can help you find relief from your neck pain, call us today at (917) 763-7825 or visit

Sources: self-care-time/ syc-20375581

WHAT OUR PATIENTS SAY SUCCESS STORIES Recovery PT restored my faith in PT. They give you one on one

My experience with Recovery PT, and especially my

personal attention the whole time you are there. They work with you on things that are hurting that may notbeyourprimaryreasonforbeing there (if you are a klutz like me). Theyunderstandthatone injurymay cause other problems elsewhere. I willprobablybeback thereatsome point, so I recommend the place! ” – A. M.

therapist, was excellent. She was by farthebesttherapist Ihaveever worked with. In the past, I have therapists tell me to go do this or that and then leave me alone. With my Recovery PT therapist, she was very hands-on and spent the entire time working WITH me. Iwouldhighlyrecommendherand Recovery PT. ” – M. W.

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