Blue Diamond Almond Facts September-October 2022


General Ag

• $20 million to CDFA for the Alternative Manure Management Program. • $20 million to the California Energy Commission for CalSHAPE. • $15 million to the Department of Community Services and Development for farmworker housing in the Low-Income Weatherization Program (LWIP).

• ●Specifies that $75 million provided in the budget to the Office of Business and Economic Development is for Small Business Drought Relief Grants, with any unspent funds being allowed to be repurposed for semiconductor research, development, or manufacturing. • ●$0.6 million to the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) for the Animal Mortality Management Program.

Drought & Water Highlights ($788 Million)

• $190 million for water recycling with $80 million for the Metropolitan Water District and $10 million for the City of Ontario at the State Water Resources Control Board. • $50 million for Metropolitan Water District resilience projects. • $56 million for the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act, including technical assistance for small farms.

• $0.3 million to CDFA for the Origin Inspection Program.

• $1.08 million to CDFA and $1.08 million to the Department of Pesticide Regulation for integrated pest management technical assistance. Green House Gas Reduction Fund (Cap-and-Trade) ($280 Million Total) • $50 million to the ARB for Clean Cars 4 All and other Equity Projects.

●• $224.5 million for watershed restoration.

• $10 million to the ARB for AB 617 implementation.

• $16.75 million ongoing for Forecast Informed Reservoir Operations. ●• $25 million General Fund to the Office of Planning and Research (OPR) for the Save Our Water Campaign. • $4 million General Fund to the Department of Water Resources (DWR) for studying salmon reintroduction. ●• $6.8 million in General Fund to various departments for expediting large-scale habitat projects. • $67 million to Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB) for the Land Acquisition and Habitat Enhancement Program for the purposes of watershed climate resilience in Southern California.

• $75 million to State Coastal Conservancy and Ocean Protection Council to address sea level rise.

• $5 million to ARB for methane satellites.

• $30 million to ARB for community air monitoring.

• $20 million to ARB for lower emission boats.

• $10 million to ARB to address HFC refrigerants.

• $5 million to ARB for wood stoves.

• $10 million to CalRecycle for methane reduction for wastewater treatment. • $10 million to the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) for methane reduction using cattle feed.



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