Green Partner Support

Green Cleaning Benefits



Buildings Consume:

What You Can Do:

• 39% of total energy • 70% of total electricity • 12% of total potable water • 40% of total raw materials

• Choose energy efficient LED lighting and consider converting to Day Cleaning • Choose water conserving devices (like waterfree urinals) and utilize microfiber technology to decrease water and chemical usage

Cleaning Buildings Consume:

What You Can Do:

• 5 billion pounds of chemicals annually • 4.5 billion pounds of paper annually • 36 billion trash liners annually • 20 million vacuum cleaners annually

• Choose chemicals that are safer for human health and the environment, packaged in concentrate and mixed in portion controlled dilution control dispensing systems • Choose paper products and trash liners that offer source reduction and post-consumer recycled content • Choose high quality vacuum cleaners that are built to last longer and contribute to improved indoor air quality


Green Cleaning Benefits for Schools:

Green Cleaning Benefits for Building Service Contractors:

• Contribute to safer working conditions for employees • Contribute to improved staff attendance and productivity • Contribute to better employee morale, recruitment and retention • Contribute to competitive marketing advantage to earn new customers • Contribute to more streamlined operations • Contribute to protecting public health

• Contribute to improved student health • Contribute to higher attendance

• Contribute to better academic performance • Contribute to improved employee health • Contribute to better morale for students and staff • Contribute to longer life for school’s carpet, computers, furnishings and other components • Contribute to improved community image

Green Cleaning Benefits for Commercial Buildings:

Green Cleaning Benefits for Government Facilities:

• Contribute to increased tenant retention • Contribute to fewer complaints • Contribute to increased ability to attract new tenants • Contribute to green building certification • Contribute to higher resale value • Contribute to enhanced public image

• Contribute to improved employee health • Contribute to increased productivity and performance • Contribute to lower healthcare and operating costs • Contribute to better management of tax dollars • Contribute to compliance with government executive orders

• Contribute to extended building life • Contribute to better public image

Green Cleaning Benefits for Healthcare Facilities:

Green Cleaning Benefits for Lodging Facilities:

• Contribute to improved health for staff and patients • Contribute to improved staff attendance and productivity • Contribute to lower healthcare, insurance and operating costs • Contribute to extended life for the facility and equipment • Contribute to better public image

• Contribute to healthier indoor environment for guests and employees • Contribute to reduced environmental impacts • Contribute to extended life for the facility • Contribute to better marketing • Contribute to enhanced public image


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(800) 995-4466

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