The Experience Summer 2018

Wall of Faithful Stewards


T he Word of Life ministry has been marked by the lives of so many faithful men and women who share a passion for reaching young people with the gospel of Christ. Reflecting back over the years of our rich heritage, there are certain individuals who literally embody the spirit and heart of what this ministry is all about. In short, they are “Word of Life”! We would like to recognize one such couple. It is biblical to honor and to appreciate those who serve the Lord with fruitfulness and faithfulness. The Apostle Paul writes in I Thessalonians 5:12-13, “And we urge you, brethren, to recognize those who labor among you, and are over you in the Lord and admonish you, and to esteem them very highly in love for their work’s sake . . .” Our 2018 inductees into Word of Life’s Wall of Faithful Stewards have been used of God to encourage and to influence lives in virtually every area of Word of Life for 53 years . . . 35 years as staff members.

wayne & ruthanne lewis

Whether it was serving as a missionary with Local Church Ministries or as leadership over Word of Life Canada, Camps, The Pines, the Bible Institute, this couple has invested their lives in a Hebrews 10:24 kind of work . . . “stirring up love and good works in others”. It is my honor and privilege to introduce to you two of my dearest friends and advisors as our newest inductees into Word of Life’s Wall of Faithful Stewards, Wayne and Ruthann Lewis.

9 t h e e xp e r i e nc e

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