COLLEGE APPLICANTS BEWARE! (Continued from page 7) Note the affiliation. This word should appear in the catalog index. If it does not, read the paragraph on the history of the school. In case the information is not there, write the president of the school for a clear statement concerning the denomina tional affiliation of the s c h o o l’ s founders, and of its present faculty. Then read the doctrinal statement. If it does not appear in the catalog, write for it, and in your letter ask if it is required that the faculty an nually recommit themselves to a wholehearted su bm iss ion to its tenets. Note items of importance which may be omitted as well as what is stated. Comparison of doc trinal statements from several dif ferent schools will reveal these omis sions. Observe some of the school alumni in life activity. Do not be misled by a single black sheep, however. The best schools have rare graduates who have departed from what they were taught. On the other hand, some super-enthusiastic alumni whitewash the reputation of the shabbiest of schools. The living testimony of sev eral graduates does not lie, however. The school will be known by its products. Finally, pray for specific guidance by the Holy Spirit. Pray with your pastor, parents, advisor, or friends— whoever is concerned among your acquaintances for your highest spir itual welfare. The college you attend will probably establish your pattern of thinking, stabilize faith or shake it, provide lifetime friends that will supersede childhood playmates, pre pare you for life work, probably help you find your place of service, and in many cases even lead you to your marriage mate. It behooves you to consider the matter seriously. James 1:5 may be called to serv ice many times as you face a daily study assignment, but how much more should it be considered in view of the total program: “ I f any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally and upbraideth not, and it shall be given him.” Dr. Congdon is president o f Preach ing Print, Inc., 8435 N.E. Glisan St., Portland 20, Oregon, and Professor of Biblical Studies, Multnomah School of the Bible.
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*A College of Distinction*
★ Spacious Campus ★ Sports ★ Consecrated Faculty ★ Clubs ★ Choir Write Dr. Monroe Parker, President, for Catalog
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