It is expected that a significant portion of an Instructor’s time will be devoted to their respective bench and/or clinical research activities with documental results in the form of publications in peer reviewed journals, presentations and academic performance. Teaching activities will be expected but will not take the place or interfere with development of professional expertise.
Assistant Professor
Faculty members at the Assistant Professor level will be self-supporting, or has the potential to be externally funded through their participation in research and service-related activities. Independent research projects are laudable; however, joint research projects are usual at this rank. Publications of one or more papers in peer-reviewed journals, participation in national meetings and symposia, invitations to give seminars and serve on workshop panels are indicative of research importance. When averaged over a career interval, a minimum of two publications per year in peer reviewed journals as 1 st , 2 nd , or senior author is indicative of maintaining a research workload. Participation in the Department’s teaching program is expected in the form of lectures, rounds, laboratory sections and as advisor/mentors as well as committee representation. Participation in service-related programs, (i.e. patient care activities) is expected and appropriate.
Associate Professor
Outstanding research productivity and importance as evidenced by publications in major journals, funding from private, regional, and/or national agencies are presentations at national/international meetings, symposia and workshops are required at the research Associate Professor level. It is incumbent that the individual demonstrate evidence of being self-supporting in research. The quality of the research is more important than the quantity at this level. Evidence of peer recognition for research activities may include serving on study sections, on editorial boards, or as reviewers for high quality journals. When averaged over a career interval, a minimum of two publications per year in peer reviewed journals is indicative of maintaining a research workload. Associate Professors may be required to participate in teaching and supervision of medical students, residents, fellows and graduate students relative to research requirements, serve on college and departmental committees and participate in patient care activities as appropriate.
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