April 2023 OnSite

Marketing is much like an investment portfolio’s return on investment. What is the return you will receive for each dollar spent on marketing? I recommend using different forms of marketing until one form of marketing begins to provide more significant results than any of the others and stick with it. Statistics have shown it may take up to seven touches before a business or consumer interacts with you or your business, thus the reason to be consistent. Remember, a company out of sight will eventually be out of mind. Each month the Sales and Marketing Council discusses issues critical to your business. This month Sales & Marketing welcomed 5 industry experts. The discussion focused on how Metro businesses can generate “Awareness”. There was Q&A about social media opportunities, direct mail & many other options. Please join us for our next breakfast meeting on April 19 where the topic will be “The 3 Stages of Preparation Required for Success”.

THE SALES CYCLE - STEP 1: AWARENESS By Todd A. Smith, Sales and Marketing Council Chair, Managing Member, Royce Joseph Capital

There are seven specific steps to the sales cycle, and each step has a vital role in obtaining sales, retaining a client, and turning your existing clients into a constant referral source. The first step in the sales cycle

is called Awareness, frequently referred to as marketing. A prospect and future client need to know you exist and precisely what product or service you offer. There are many ways to market your product, social media, television advertising, direct email, email marketing, radio, and networking amongst your peers. Which one is best for you? The answer is to market where your future clients congregate and be consistent.

REGISTER HERE FOR APRIL 19 BREAKFAST: https://business.metrobca.org/events/details/sales-marketing-breakfast-512



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