911 award for local child-hero ORLÉANS | His quick thinking saved his grandfather’s life. It has also now earned Maddox Baker a 911 Children’s Achieve- ment Award.
father began suffering chest pains and trouble breathing. While talking with 911 operator Danielle Cardinal, Maddox remai- ned calm and followed her instructions, in- cluding answering all questions related to the situation. Maddox also helped to calm and comfort his grandfather until the para- medics arrived. The 911 Awards go out to 11 young reci- pients this year. The award recognizes child- ren for their courage and efforts in the face of emergency situations and also helps pro- mote awareness of the 911 call system and its proper use. Recipients are chosen based on case log report from 911 call operators.
Cumberland Ward Coun. Stephen Blais presented Baker, seated together in the ac- companying photo with the award in reco- gnition of his courage and coolness under pressure when faced with a life-threatening situation. “Maddox was able to overcome the fear and uncertainty of an emergency situation and make the right call for help,” Blais said, “which led to saving his grandfather’s life.” Maddox phoned 911 when his grand-
Challenge accepted
Photo City of Ottawa
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Josée Lemay of the Clarence Rockland Fire Department was one of the challengers at the Embrun Fire Department’s Firefighters’ Challenge, June 21. Photo Candice Vetter EXPOSITION D’ART • ART SHOW July 4,5,6 juillet 2014
Nous avons la chance d’exposer nos toiles au bord de la rivière lors du Festival de la Rivière des Outaouais au Parc du Moulin, au bout de la rue Edwards. Venez en grand nombre voir notre exposition et rencontrer nos artistes. On vous attend sous la grande tente!
We have the opportunity to exhibit our works by the river during the Ottawa River Festival at the du Moulin Park, at the end of Edwards Street.
Come one, come all to see our exhibition and meet our artists. We look forward to meeting you under the big tent!
Réservez dès maintenant!
450 539-3835 129 $* 167$* 450 378-0213 130 $* 168$* 1 855 525-3402 130 $* 168 $* 450 378-2181 130 $* 168$* 450 378-9410 134 $* 172$* 1 888 311-7947 196 $* 239 $* 1 888 247-5806 203 $* 241 $* 1 800 267-8406 209 $* 261 $* 1 800 461-3790 219 $* 261 $* 450 251-1111 224 $* 259$* 1 877 534-9990 235 $ 285 $
Camping La Rivière du Passant, St-Joachim-de-Shefford *** campinglarivieredupassant.com
Camping Bonjour, Granby**** (5 min. du Zoo ) campingbonjour.com
Camping de L’Île, Roxton Falls **** campingdelile.com
Camping Oasis, Ste-Cécile de Milton **** (10 min. du Zoo, possibilité chalets) campingoasis.com
Camping Tropicana, Granby ** campingtropicana.com
Artistes / Artists
Motel Bonsoir, Granby ** (5 min. du Zoo, BBQ équipé et piscine ext.) motelbonsoir.com
Auberge Château-Bromont, Bromont **** chateaubromont.com
Francine Abraham Hélène Charbonneau
Nicole Lavictoire Bernard Lévesque Céline McDonald Elaine Patenaude
Hôtel Le Granbyen, Granby *** (déj. continental inclus, piscine ext., 4 min. du Zoo) legranbyen.ca Hôtel Bromont *** (déj. buffet continental inclus, piscine et spa ) hotelbromont.com Holiday Inn Express & Suites Saint-Hyacinthe, *** (déj. buffet chaud, piscine int.) hotelm.ca Studiotel Bromont , Bromont *** (cuisines complètes, terrasses ext. privées) studiotelbromont.com
Lise Guindon Hélène Jean Francine Jolicoeur-Séguin Joan Kallio Denise Kirouac Nadine Lamoureux
Hôtel Château-Bromont, Bromont **** chateaubromont.com 1 888 413-5749 243 $* 281 $* Hôtel Castel & Spa Confort, Granby **** (déjeuner complet inclus, jeux et piscine ext.) hotelcastel.ca 1 800 363-8953 244 $* 321 $* St-Christophe Hôtel et SPA, Granby **** (déj. américain inclus,piscine int.) hotelstchristophe.com 1 877 405-4782 259 $* 319 $* Incluant l’admission pour 2 journées au Zoo de Granby et l’hébergement en occupation double ou famille (2 adultes et 2 enfants 17 ans et moins). Valide du 31 mai au 24 août 2014, selon la disponibilité. Taxes en sus. * Tarifs à partir de. Possibilité de séjour de 2 nuits et plus. zoodegranby.com/2jours
Carol Penny Lise Perras Valérie Poulin Louise Vien
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