Rehab Access: Improve Your Health

It’s that time of year again, the beginning of a new year when many of us feel compelled to make New Year’s Resolutions.​What will be your resolutions towards taking care of your health? Will you set a goal to lose weight, exercise more, eat better and increase your activity level? ​

The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body Health & Fitness

Improve Your Health, Energy, & Fitness

It’s that time of year again, the beginning of a new year when many of us feel compelled to make New Year’s Resolutions.What will be your resolutions towards taking care of your health? Will you set a goal to lose weight, exercise more, eat better and increase your activity level?

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THIS NEWSLETTER: •Improve Your Health, Energy, & Fitness • A Stretch To Strengthen Hips

The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body Health & Fitness

Unfortunately,suchdeclarationsoftenfailafteramonthor two.Thiscanoftenbeattributed to two things: a lack of readiness to actually change bad habits and a pattern of setting unrealisticexpectations.Sowhat typesof resolutionscanwemake thatwe’llactuallystick to? If you want to improve your health and increase your energy, here are some simple ways to change your lifestyle for the better. 1. Begin the day with protein. Eating protein for breakfast helps curb your appetite throughout the day and tends to improve your overall diet as well. While you may wind up consuming the same number of calories over a day’s time, you’ll be less tempted by high-fat snacks around dinnertime. Keep inmind that thereareplentyofplant-basedproteinsavailable, includinghempseeds, black beans, almonds, edamame, and pumpkin seeds among them. 2. Limit your drinks. By this, we aren’t only referring to alcohol. Instead, try to cut back on the calorie-laden drinks popular this time of year. Concoctions such as sweetened coffee drinks, sodas, diet sodas and energy drinks can be detrimental to a healthy diet. Focus on a higher consumption of water during the day and to make it easy have a glass by your desk or Improve Your Health, Energy, & Fitness

carry a bottle around with you. 3. Try wearable technology.

Researchshowsthatpeoplewhousewearabletechnology,gadgetssuchasFitbits,Garmin, and Withings, tend to stick to their exercise routine more faithfully than those who don’t. Withmanyof them,youcan trackyourheartrate,stepsperminute,sleepcycles,andmore.

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CALL TODAY: Gretna Location (504) 365-1020 Belle Chasse Location (504) 398-2004

3. If further assessment is warranted, your therapist

2. Your therapist can

1. Feel free to call us and ask to speak to your therapist.

discuss with you why your pain is bothering you again and what you might do about it at home.

might recommend you come in for an appointment.

Strengthens Hips In Minutes Try this exercise to strengthen hips

Time Is Running Out! Now is the time to use your health benefits!

Strengthens Hips

Balance | Hip Strategy + Lateral Reach Stand with good posture. Reach to the side while keeping your balance. Keep knees straight. Return to start. Repeat 6-10 for each side.

The end of the year is almost here, meaning that time is running out to take advantage of your medical benefits! If you have met your annual deductible for the year, insurance may completely cover your physical therapy treatments! Those benefits don’t roll over, so if you’ve already met your deductible for the year, use your benefits now! If your yearly deductible is met, what do you have to lose? Swing by Rehab Access to improve your back, posture, hips, knees, shoulders, and more! Don’t ignoreyourpainorproblems–wewantallofourpatients toexperience the joys of life pain-free! You’ll be amaze d by the long-term benefits of physical therapy on your body and quality of life! Call Rehab Access to schedule your appointment Today!

We Appreciate Our Patients! October was National PhysicalTherapy Month, and Rehab Access wanted to take the opportunity to recognize and thank our patients for choosing Rehab Access Physical Therapy. Both locations held a “Patient Appreciation Week” and provided free snacks to show our appreciation for all of our amazing patients at Rehab Access!

Gretna Location (504) 365-1020

Belle Chasse Location (504) 398-2004

Staff Anniversary!

Patient Success Stories Hear Why Our Patients Love Us!

“Makingadifference in thecommunity!” “I had a great experience during my water therapy and my knee legsandneck/backarea feelmuchbetter than Icould imagine!!! Keep up the love and the good work. You all are makingadifference in thecommunity.” -M.P. “Knowledgeable&helpful!” “Thetherapistwasveryknowledgeableandhelpfulinrelieving thepainandthetech’swereveryconscientiousanddisciplined in theexercises.” -N.S.

“Myexperiencewasgreat!” “Myexperiencewasgreat.Afteranklesurgery inJune Icould barely stretch it out and by October I was back to playing basketball. Great time and would definitely recommend to friends.“ -J.W. “Friendly,experiencedpeople!” “Friendly,experiencedpeoplewhoallwork together tohelp resolve or repair health problems make Rehab Access the bestgo toplace.” -M.K.

Congratulations!Judy,ourpatientrepresentativeandIdeal Proteincoach,celebrates3yearswithRehabAccess this month.Thankyou forallyourhardworkanddedication to Rehab Access & your patients.

4. Increase Your Range of Motion. Avoid shortcuts when it comes to exercising. Strive for using the greatest range of motion. This may include making longer lunges, stretching arms morewhile jumping rope,or leaningover furtherduringyoga.Whatever the case, doing so helps your muscles do more work per rep, which results in breakingdownmore tissueby theendofyourworkout. Ifyouhavedifficulty reaching a full range of motion, or have discomfort, consult your physical therapist. 5. Reduce fatigue. Asanyonewhohas triedand failedatestablishingaregularexerciseroutine can agree, fatigue is the number one enemy. To help combat this, drink beet juice. Studies show that it can increase stamina by up to 16 percent. Furthermore, listen tomusic thatkeepsyoumotivated.Listening to theright music can actually expand your blood vessels by 26 percent. Work on a schedule routine that ensures you get enough rest, exercise, and activity. Improve Your Health, Energy, & Fitness (Continued)

6. Switch it up. If you’ve been plugging through the same fitness routine day after day, you maynoticeareduction instrengthgain.Toavoid this, trydifferentexercises, working out at different times of day, using different repetitions, or lifting different weights. Considerways toaddhealthydecision-making toyour lifestyle.Remember thatputting thingsoffdoesn’tgetyou towhereyouwant tobe.Wearehere to help you reach your goals and achieve a healthy, pain-free lifestyle. Talk toyourphysical therapistatourpractice today,orschedulea free30minute consultation to make your 2019 the healthiest yet. Call your physical therapist or go to to learn more ways to improve your health and recovery!

If you need help to finally lose that stubborn belly fat this year, we can help! Lose Weight Safely and Keep It Off!

The Ideal Protein Weightloss Method

Don’t Waste Any More Time! Get Your Own Personal Weight Loss Exam, Call 504-398-2004.

Resultswhile following the IdealProteinWeightLossMethodmayvary fromperson toperson,or from individual to individual.Authorized IdealProteinadministrator,RehabAccessFitnessLLC.

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