Rehab Access: Improve Your Health

4. Increase Your Range of Motion. Avoid shortcuts when it comes to exercising. Strive for using the greatest range of motion. This may include making longer lunges, stretching arms morewhile jumping rope,or leaningover furtherduringyoga.Whatever the case, doing so helps your muscles do more work per rep, which results in breakingdownmore tissueby theendofyourworkout. Ifyouhavedifficulty reaching a full range of motion, or have discomfort, consult your physical therapist. 5. Reduce fatigue. Asanyonewhohas triedand failedatestablishingaregularexerciseroutine can agree, fatigue is the number one enemy. To help combat this, drink beet juice. Studies show that it can increase stamina by up to 16 percent. Furthermore, listen tomusic thatkeepsyoumotivated.Listening to theright music can actually expand your blood vessels by 26 percent. Work on a schedule routine that ensures you get enough rest, exercise, and activity. Improve Your Health, Energy, & Fitness (Continued)

6. Switch it up. If you’ve been plugging through the same fitness routine day after day, you maynoticeareduction instrengthgain.Toavoid this, trydifferentexercises, working out at different times of day, using different repetitions, or lifting different weights. Considerways toaddhealthydecision-making toyour lifestyle.Remember thatputting thingsoffdoesn’tgetyou towhereyouwant tobe.Wearehere to help you reach your goals and achieve a healthy, pain-free lifestyle. Talk toyourphysical therapistatourpractice today,orschedulea free30minute consultation to make your 2019 the healthiest yet. Call your physical therapist or go to to learn more ways to improve your health and recovery!

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Resultswhile following the IdealProteinWeightLossMethodmayvary fromperson toperson,or from individual to individual.Authorized IdealProteinadministrator,RehabAccessFitnessLLC.

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