FY 2023-24 Adopted Budget Book

MAINTENANCE Program 101-005-020  Provides full ground maintenance services to parks, rights- of-way, and public buildings;  Provides minor facility tree and shrub maintenance;  Provides minor construction and renovation services to parks, athletic fields, and recreational facilities; and,  Serves as liaison to the Keep DeSoto Beautiful Board.  Provides and coordinates activities for senior citizens; and  Promotes healthy lifestyle programs for active senior citizens. RECREATION & CIVIC CENTER Program 101-005-032  Coordinates the activities in the Recreation Center and Civic Center;  Enhances the quality of life for citizens by promoting, establishing, and maintaining enriched leisure services; and,  Serves as liaison to the Park Development Corporation Board. SENIOR CENTER Program 101-005-022 SEASONAL PROGRAMS Program 101-005-040  Provides recreational, fitness, and enrichment activities for youth during out of school times; and  Provides employment and leadership programs to youth. AQUATICS Program 101-005-045  Coordinates activities at Moseley Pool; and  Promotes water safety and swimming instruction as a life skill for youth, teens, and families.



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