SWRCC – Equipment Replacement Fund Fund 413
This Equipment Replacement Fund was created as a multi-year financial planning tool for the purchase of electronic equipment for the Southwest Regional Communications Center. In FY 202 4 the SWRCC Equipment Replacement Fund will begin with a FB of $ 90,714 and will end with a projected FB of $ 37,608 . This represents a 58.5 % decrease over the year. This decrease is due to impending purchase of new 9-1-1 software.
Jail Operations Fund Fund 112
Another partnership initiative is the Regional Jail, which includes participation from the Cities of Cedar Hill, Duncanville, Lancaster, and Glenn Heights. In FY 202 4 the Jail will begin with a working capital balance of $ 643,138 and is projected to end with a working capital balance of $ 354,414 , which translates to a decrease of 44.9 % over the year. Partners ' assessments were not increased to cover rising expenses.
SALES TAX CORPORATIONS The City of DeSoto has merged its two (2) sales tax corporations into a single entity: the DeSoto Development Corporation (DDC). The DDC receives 25% of the two (2) cents in sales tax levied by the State of Texas and distributed to the City of DeSoto.
DeSoto Development Corporation Fund Fund 1 2 5
This fund will begin FY 202 4 with a FB of $ 5 , 244,393 and is projected to end the year with a FB of $ 4 , 672,527 which represents a 10 . 9 % de crease in FB over the year. This de crease is due contributions to capital projects during FY 202 4 .
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