To list on mobile, simply visit the Marketplace page—denoted by a storefront icon—click Selling, and then Create New Listing. The app will allow you to add details about the property and upload photos. CRAIGSLIST Although Craigslist charges for certain listings now, it is still free for selling or renting real estate proper- ty. And because Craigslist has been around since the 1990s, people know about it and how it functions, which means you’re likely to get some great leads from it. If you’re looking to find buyers or renters, visit the Craigslist page dedicated to your nearest city, and click Create a Posting. Then select Housing Offered and choose whether your listing best fits under Apart - ments/Housing for Rent, Real Estate by Owner, or Real Estate by Broker. The website will prompt you to add details via an easy-to-use form and allow you to upload photos. Your potential clients will find your listing based on filters they set for price, number of bedrooms and bathrooms, availability, whether pets are allowed, laundry, and more. These filters can help screen poten - tial buyers or renters before they contact you for more information. ZUMPER With more than 175 million vis- itors per year, Zumper is a rental website that helps renters find their next new home, while providing landlords and property managers with tools they need to fill their list - ings quickly, particularly in larger metropolitan areas. Believe it or not, you can list rental properties for free on Zumper and still take advantage of some of their leasing tools, as long as you own
fewer than five units. Multi-unit own - ers will need to pay fees to list. Like any other listing site, you’ll need to create an account to log in before completing an easy form describing the home you’re rent- ing. You can also upload photos and indicate whether you need any of Zumper’s other real estate services, such as applicant screenings. APARTMENTS.COM Renters using Google to search for a new apartment will see Apart- high on the search engine results page, meaning they’re more likely to click on it to explore the site. Its high search engine rank- ings make it an important place to list your apartments for rent. offers a free listing service, with no fees associ- ated with submitting a listing and no maximum on the number of proper- ties you’re allowed to list. However, if you’re listing for a multi-unit owner or manager, you can purchase ad packages that can help your rentals stand out. To create a free listing, click Add a Property in the upper right cor- ner and begin filling out the form to
share information about the apart- ment or house you’re listing. Add some compelling photos. Your rental property will be put in front of any- one looking for a home like the one you’re offering. OTHER DIGITALMARKETING STRATEGIES Working with a digital marketing agency that’s well-versed in social media marketing, PPC, and search engine optimization can give you an advantage over real estate agents or independent sellers who don’t. Going beyond these free listing sites con- nects you with a wider audience and keeps your name and brand promi- nent in their minds. •
Jenifer Calandra’s decade of marketing experience in a range of industries gives her a unique perspective on strategy. A professional writer by trade, Calandra
crafts the story of your brand to positively affect your website’s search engine optimization and authority with your target audience. Voted Best Marketing Agency in Kansas City according to The Pitch, iFocus Marketing serves clients around the country with its extensive experience in property management and real estate marketing. The company’s in-depth analytics illustrate the return on your marketing investment.
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