Role expectations Instructor Members Competent and successful Instructor Members will demonstrate all the listed attributes.
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1. Act as an ambassador and representative for MHFA England, playing a key role in our vision to
4. Remain considerate and mindful of own safety and wellbeing by managing Stress Containers and maintaining an appropriate work/life balance 5. Establish and maintain a collaborative and professional relationship with MHFA England based on confidence, trust, and respect 6. Employ and maintain professional and reasonable standards when communicating with MHFA
improve the mental health of the nation
2. Embody MHFA England’s values: accessible, clear,
empowering, trustworthy and innovative
3. Celebrate, support, and respect the diversity of our learners and colleagues by being actively inclusive of people with different identities and beliefs. Think carefully about language, imagery, and video choices. Challenge any behaviours from learners and peers that do not reflect the words and spirit of MHFA England’s equity and inclusion commitments
England, learners or clients
7. Actively engage with and be supportive of quality
assurance procedures and activities
Knowledge and understanding
8. Demonstrate working knowledge and understanding of MHFA England’s vision and mission to improve the mental health of the
11. Demonstrate understanding of the potential impact and implications of negative and/or stigmatising attitude and/or language towards mental health on the learning experience of learners 12. Demonstrate thorough knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of the importance of key messages and models explored in the course 13. Develop thorough knowledge and understanding of MHFA England products for which they are
9. Demonstrate up-to-date knowledge and understanding of mental health trends and
10. Demonstrate awareness and understanding of the impact of race, racism, oppression, inequalities and intersectionality on mental health and
14. Be sufficiently IT proficient to enable successful
16. Competently navigate all relevant sections of the
classroom course deliveries
Instructor Member dashboard
15. If delivering online, be sufficiently IT proficient to enable successful course deliveries and learner management using the Online Learning Hub and
17. Competently use the online course management
18. Competently facilitate effective and engaging course deliveries in line with MHFA England quality standards
any other platforms used
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