King's Business - 1934-02

February, 1934

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


do the thing that otherwise would have been impossible. You were enabled and helped to do it by God’s grace, so that it is all grace. You were saved through faith, and that not o f yourselves, it was the gift of God. The very faith, by the ex­ ercise of which you apprehended Christ, was the gift of God. —J. R ussell H owden . MARCH 27 The Sweetness Inside “ Christ in you, the hope of, glory" (Col. 1:27). A little lass had just received her tea from her mother. And she did what every child would do—she took her spoon and began to stir it. For a while she alter­ nately stirred and sipped her tea. Pres­ ently, with tears o f disappointment in her eyes, she said, “Mother, it won’t come sweet.” Her mother, smiling, said, “I’m sorry. I must have forgotten to put the sugar in. No amount o f stirring will ever make it come sweet until the sugar is in.” You cannot make your life gracious and good until Christ is in your life. No amount of “stirring” or trying will do it. God_ must come into your heart and life. Christ must be enthroned there. Take Him in, and you have taken the sweetness of the grace and the very glory o f God into that life o f yours. Let Him in, and know the power of the indwelling Spirit of God, and you will live a very different life. — J. R. S. W ilson . MARCH 28 God’s Continual Goodness “ The Lord is good" (Nahum 1:7). Have you read this chapter through ? It is a very terrible one; it is like the rushing of a mighty river, when it is nearing a cataract. It boils and seethes and flows with overwhelming force, bearing every­ thing before it; yet, right in the middle of the surging flood, stands out, like a green island, this most cheering, comforting, and delightful text. First, “Jehovah is good.” It is well for us to be able to say so when the day oi trouble is really upon us. It is one thing to sit under your vine and fig tree and to sing, “The Lord is good.” It is quite another thing when the vine and fig tree have both been cut down, and all your comfort is gone, still to say, “The Lord is good.” The Lord is good, good as an angry God, good when I read such words as these, “With an overrunning flood he will make an utter end o f the place thereof, and darkness shall pursue his enemies.” God is good even then; . . . let Him reveal Himself as He pleases. — C harles H addon S purgeon . MARCH 29 HU Manifest Presence “Even unto the end o f the world" (Matt. 28:20). Why did the Lord prescribe what seems to be an arbitrary limit to the promise and say, “ I will be with you to the end o f the age” ? O f course, He is not referring to the end o f the world as a material thing. It is the end of the world-order o f the present age He means. But why did He limit His presence to the end o f the age? Does it mean that when the age is over, the Lord will withdraw His presence? . . . Quite the reverse of that! Just as the presence in this age is greater and nearer, more constant and less remote than in the past age, so, in the next age, instead of Christ’s presence being less real, it is to be more glorious and more manifest —W . Y . F ullerton .

MARCH 30 HU Suffering— Our Relief

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“Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows : yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten o f God, and afflicted. But he was wounded fo r our transgressions, he was bruised fo r our iniquities, the chastise­ ment o f our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed" (Isa. 53:4, 5). Five times, that little word “our” is used —our sorrows, our griefs, our iniquities, our transgressions, and the chastisement o f our peace. There is a substitute for you. I remember reading about the war with its battles where thousands were killed and I forgot all about it. Then I went into the war. I saw the dying men; I heard their cries; I helped comfort the dying and bury the dead. After that, I could never read o f a battle without realiz­ ing what it meant. I wish I could bring before you in living colors the sufferings of Christ.—D. L . M oody . MARCH 31 Reckoned Dead “And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins" (Eph. 2 :1 ). In Brixton Prison, when they took the census, there was a man who was con­ demned to death; he was awaiting execu­ tion, and he filled in no papers. His life was not numbered among the men in the census o f Great Britain. Why? Because in the eyes of the law, he was dead; the law could not recognize him, for he had been condemned to death. The moment the death sentence was passed, that man, although still living, was reckoned to be dead. Likewise, you will have the old nature, your inheritance from Adam, with­ in you till the end. But you and I are to reckon ourselves dead unto sin, and we are to say “no” to self, we are to remember that for us, “old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” —A. L indsay G legg .

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