2024-25-TCM Book_Web

CREDITING GIRLS FOR THEIR INDIVIDUAL COOKIE SALES When you place an initial order, the cookies that are ordered for each girl are automatically assigned to the girl. Any other sales, other than Direct Ship orders, need to be assigned to the girls. They include: ☙ Any packages ordered in the Extras or Booth sections by the troop. ☙ Packages picked up from a Cookie Cupboard and distributed to the Girl Scout. ☙ Cookies sold at a Cookie Booth. ☙ Cookies sold via the Troop Ship Link (Look for info on the Troop Ship Link in mid-February.) ☙ Any Cookie Shares that were sold, but not assigned to the initial order.

GIVING GIRLS CREDIT FOR INDIVIDUAL SALES: 1. Log in to Smart Cookies. 2. Hover over the Orders tab and click Transfer Order. 3. The system defaults to Troop to Girl under type of transfer. You use these same instructions for transfers between troops, girls or if the need arises to take cookies back from a girl (not advised.) 4. Under Girl, click on the girl’s name, the field will turn blue. 5. Click apply. 6. Enter the quantities, by variety, you wish to transfer under PACKAGES (see image below.) 7. Enter notes (optional) if you wish; these notes are for your reference only. 8. Click save Enter notes (optional) if you wish; these notes are for your reference only. 9. Click save.


☙ Direct Ship sales, including any Cookie Shares sales on Direct Ship, are automatically assigned. ☙ If you placed an Initial Order, you do not need to manually transfer initial order cookies to the girls.

Smart Tip: Complete a transfer as soon as possible after giving the family cookies so that the girls accounts are kept current.


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