7. Enter notes (optional) if you wish; these notes are for your reference only. 8. Click save Enter notes (optional) if you wish; these notes are for your reference only. 9. Click save.
3. Enter the total number of additional Cookie Share packages for each girl. 4. You can enter for one or more girls, and you may enter as many times as you need to during the program. 5. Enter notes if you wish; these are for your info only. 6. Click Save. You should receive a pop-up window alerting you that the order was successfully updated. 7. You may edit or delete your Cookie Share order by going to the Manage Order Screen (under Orders tab). You may need to transfer cookies between girls or to another troop. The process is simple and works just like you’re transferring cookies from the troop to the girl or another troop. After you log in to Smart Cookies and choose Transfer Cookies, choose the action you want from the drop-down menu (EX: Troop to Troop, Girl to Girl) and proceed with your transfer. Once the transfer is complete, the receiving party will get an email confirming the transfer. Reminder: If you are transferring cookies to a troop, the giving troop should complete the transfer AND fill out a receipt, so you have proof, in writing. ! Do not transfer cookies between the same girl entered twice. If a girl is listed twice in Smart Cookies stop and email cookies@gsksmo.org with details!
REMINDER : Any Cookie Shares entered with the initial order are already credited to the girls. You will only need to complete this step if the girls sell more Cookie Shares after the initial order. And Cookie Shares sold on-line via Direct Ship do not need to be added. For more information on Cookie Share see page 5. To give girls credit for Cookie Shares sold after the initial order: 1. Log in to Smart Cookies 2. Hover over Orders and choose Virtual Cookie Share
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