2024-25-TCM Book_Web

! If money is lost/stolen, the person who was holding the money is financially responsible for replacing it. More receipt books are available from your SU PPM or the GSKSMO office. Please email cookies@gsksmo.org ahead of time so we can be sure to accommodate you. TRACKING FAMILY MONEY IN SMART COOKIES Every time a girl turns in money, TCMs should enter the payment into Smart Cookies. This allows you to have a record of every payment and easily see what each Girl Scout’s balance is.

TRACKING THE COOKIE MONEY Keeping the finances straight can be challenging; if you follow the steps outlined below your experience can be smooth one!

Set expectations from your families as to when and where you’ll collect money:

Ń Introduce a schedule during your Family Meeting. Families tend to hang on to money due. Ń Do not let families turn in one check at the end; they should be turning in money as it’s collected. Ń Fill out a receipt, completely and correctly, any time you collect money from a family and enter the amount into Smart Cookies (directions on adding girl payments are below). THIS IS MANDATORY! Ń The full date: MM/DD/YY – important since the receipts can be the same from year to year.

Entering Girl Money into Smart Cookies:

1. Log into Smart Cookies.

2. Hover over the Finances tab and choose Financial Transactions.

3. The program opens automatically to the troop transaction tab, click on Girl Transaction.

Ń Legible signatures on the Received from and Received By lines.

4. Scroll down and click Add Girl Transaction.

Ń Use separate receipts for each transaction – don’t put cookies taken and money received on the same receipt.

5. Choose the girl, type and payment method from the drop-down menus.

6. Enter the date (the day the cash/ checks were accepted) and the amount of the deposit. 7. The reference and notes fields are optional and as a rule the council will not see these fields. If something has been entered in these fields do not erase.

Ń Troops keep the white copy; families keep the yellow copy.

Ń Deposit money regularly. Your safety is important so please go to the bank at an appropriate time but do so as soon as possible.

Ń If the TCM turns money over to the Troop Leader, a receipt should be filled out.

8. Click Save.


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