Progress reported on lingering water issue RICHARD MAHONEY richard.mahoney@eap.on.ca
again.” The town, which provides water to L’Orignal, Vankleek Hill and the Laurentian Park subdivision, has been striving to lower TTHMs through more frequent flushing, in- creased monitoring and improvements in the use of chemicals. Levels continue to be high, hovering be- low the acceptable level of 100 micrograms per litre. TTHM levels in samples have fluc- tuated from 80 to 105 ug/L. At the same time, reservations have been expressed about TTHMs rising above the limit if and when the town’s system is ex- panded to extend service to land located in Champlain south of County Road 17. “If the water is in the pipes too long, you get TTHMs,” observed Barton. Plus, there is talk that the environment ministry will lower the acceptable limit, meaning the levels will certainly be out of compliance with provincial regulations. CASSELMAN | D’importants projets sont au chaud sur la table du maire de La Nation, François St-Amour,en ce début d’année. L’un des plus importants pour lequel 170 000$ seront alloués est le développement d’un plan stratégique et d’identité muni- cipale. «Nous rencontrerons bientôt les spécialistes en urbanisme et développe- ment cette semaine afin de créer un agen- da, confie le maire. La municipalité a des points précis sur lesquels travailler pour cet important dossier comme le changement de logo et l’image de la municipalité, entre autres.» D’autres montants importants sont à prévoir pour certains secteurs comme la réfection de plusieurs rues et ponts. L’étude environnementale du plan-maître de Li- moges retiendra 7 807 000$ pour la phase 3. D’autres montants, de 25 000$ ceux-là, iront pour la réparation du Centre commu- nautaire de Saint-Albert, pour l’achat d’un nouveau camion à incendies à Limoges, pour l’achat d’un nouveau système élec- trique pour la salle de quilles de Saint-Isi- dore et pour les rénovations des salles de bains et de la toiture au parc Rodolphe Latreille à Limoges. Enfin, l’entrepôt de sel, adjacent à l’hôtel de ville de La Nation, disparaîtra pour re- naître à Fournier, à l’est, un secteur qui re-
In a report last year, the ministry noted that it appears that the operation of the Hawkesbury drinking water system re- quires a “delicate balance” so that chlorine dosage isn’t too high, thus producing high THM levels, while simultaneously main- taining at least the minimum required free chlorine residual. “This is particularly acute at the edges of the distribution system,” said the MOE. “At the edges of the distribution system, free chlorine residual is often low while to- tal trihalomethane levels are high,” accord- ing to the report. The province suggests that if and when the service agreement between Hawkes- bury and Champlain is reviewed, water quality parameters should be evaluated, and not just water quantity. The water is drawn from the Ottawa River and filtrated and treated at the Main Street plant.
munities in Champlain Township. While Hawkesbury’s water does not pose any health problems, elevated TTHMs, cre- ated when chlorine is added to water, have been a growing concern, the Ontario Min- istry of the Environment noted in a report last year. “The readings are lower now,” Champlain Township Mayor Gary Barton related at a recent council meeting. “But the key will be in the summer when we get warmweather
Efforts to resolve a longstanding water concern in Hawkesbury have been pay- ing off. High trihalomethane levels have been regularly red-flagged in Hawkesbury’s wa- ter system, which also serves three com-
Calumet train station revival
Principaux projets à La Nation quiert de plus grosses quantités de sel sur une base plus régulière et où la portion des chemins est considérablement plus impor- tante que dans le secteur ouest de la mu- nicipalité.
Photo Richard Mahoney
+12!1ŏ contrat d’ordures
”It should be workable, despite what some people might be afraid of,” Grenville- sur-la-Rouge Mayor John Saywell says of the revived plan to restore the former Calumet train station. Municipal council has set aside $100,000 in its budget for the acquisition and stabilization of the wooden structure that was built in 1877 and has stood idle since 1970. The municipality is taking $10,000 from its reserves and is banking on the Québec government to provide $90,000 towards the project. The first step will be to retain architects who will determine the feasibility of the proposal that had been derailed by the former council. The owner, Chemins de fer Québec-Gatineau, would give the building to the municipality. The plan has been rejected in the past because of costs related to moving the building and dealing with soil contamination. Overall, themunicipality has set aside about $2million for capital projects this year. (RM)
LamunicipalitédeGrenville-sur-la-Rouge a signé un contrat avec une compagnie de Papineauville qui fournira le service de col- lecte d’ordures pour les cinq prochaines années, pour un montant de 1 267 024$. Transport sanitaire André Hayes a soumis la plus basse de trois soumissions pour la cueillette des matières résiduelles, recy- clables et gros morceaux. La municipalité a fait un appel d’offre suite à la résiliation par GSR, d’un contrat avec Les Services Sani- taires Lebel Inc. de Chelsea. La municipalité avait signé une entente avec cette com- pagnie en juin 2013, mais l’entreprise a fer- mé ses portes en octobre. La municipalité a payé 22 000$ à une autre compagnie de Papineauville, Transport RLS, pour faire la collecte du 13 décembre au 17 janvier.(RM)
Counties back farmers’ call for natural gas access
L’ORIGNAL | Farmers in Prescott-Rus- sell would like to have options when it comes to using either propane or natu- ral gas as part of the fuel supply for their operations. The United Counties of Prescott-Russell council (UCPR) accepted a recommenda- tion from the Agricultural Advisory Com- mittee of Prescott-Russell (AAC) for a fu- ture revision to the counties’ economic development plan for the region. Right now, most farms in Prescott- Russell are limited to propane as an al- ternative to oil or electricity for heating outbuildings and barns and coops for livestock. Any delays in propane deliveries to re- fill the on-site storage tanks can create problems for a farm operation. The UCPR’s economic development and tourism department will prepare an amendment to the plan to have natural gas delivery to rural areas added as part of the plan’s future goal priorities. The counties council and administra-
tion will also research methods to apply political pressure to make natural gas de- livery to rural areas a reality.
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