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Temperatures in Eastern Ontario are on the rise again after a brief cooldown following the heatwave that occupied the Canada Day long weekend. Resi- dents are advised to follow the Eastern Ontario Health Unit’s (EOHU) list of suggestions for avoiding both sunstroke and heat exhaustion. The information is available at Stay indoors or go to the nearest “cooling centre” such as a large shopping mall or a com- munity centre which is equipped with air conditioning. Check municipal website for a list of local cooling centres. Drink water to keep hydrated. Anyone who has to work outside should keep a water bottle handy and take frequent breaks to cool down in the shade. Use sunblock and wear a hat. – Gregg Chamberlain LES GRANDS-MÈRES À L’HONNEUR La paroisse Sainte-Anne-de-Prescott invite la population à assister au pèle- rinage annuel à la bonne sainte Anne, le dimanche 22 juillet. La messe sera célébrée à 10 h, suivie d’une procession dans la rue avec drapeaux et prières. Repas authentique par les amis italiens de Montréal, au centre communautaire le Centre d’Action. Gratuit pour les enfants de moins de 12 ans. Spécial cette année : Sainte Anne étant la grand-mère de Jésus, les participants sont invités à apporter une photo ou un souvenir de leurs grands-mères pour la bénédiction. Information : 613 674- 2042 ou – Salle de rédaction EAP


on during their regular music classes in TDIPPM"GFXPGUIFDBNQFSTIBEMJUUMFPS no experience at all with any instrument, so the camp helped introduce them to music. Even then, Hepburn noted, art was a part of the camp agenda. Children taking part in the original camp would also listen to music and then draw or paint their impressions of UIFNVTJDUIFZIFBSE-BUFS $ZOUIJB.BSUJO and Larry Larouche, a pair of professional stage musicians, volunteered their time as part of the camp director staff, providing their expertise in drama and stage presentation. The camp focus on music transformed into music and art, with the goal of preparing and coaching the young participants into producing a musical at the end of their two- week learning experience. Friday afternoon, July 13, at the VCI auditorium, the curtain rose on Thwacked! A Fractured Tale of Frogs, Folks, and Falling Skies , a musical comedy for children by playwrights Dave and Jean Perry. Before they went on stage campers had two weeks of intensive but fun study and preparation work, with music and songs to learn, character roles to study, and set decoration to assemble. Plus, they needed to get into the proper frame of mind, which meant everyone assembled together, first thing in the morning, for about a half hour of breathing and stretching exercises, to relax and be ready for the day. Campers, the half dozen instructors, and another half-dozen student counsellors then split up into four age groups for a rotating schedule of sessions in music instruction

Almost 30 years ago today, the Festival Society showed Vankleek Hill kids how to perform a play. They’re still doing it with grace and style, guaranteed to make any audience smile. “This was my baby,” said Ian Hepburn, president of the Vankleek Hill Festival Society and one of the founders of the annual Festi- WBM4PDJFUZ.VTJDBOE"SUT4VNNFS$BNQ Through the halls of Vankleek Hill Col- legiate Institute floated the faint sounds of harp and drums, as about four dozen children, ranging in age from five and six up to early teens, learned and practised TFWFSBMNVTJDBMQJFDFT"DPVQMFPGUIF rooms of the school became art studios as students at the camp learned the basics of set decoration, which included making and painting the backdrops for scenes of their summer musical project. In other rooms the campers learned their lines and even worked on making costumes for their characters. “I can honestly tell you they enjoy all the instruments,” said Hepburn, with a smile. The festival society’s summer camp program provided the whole package as participants learned the theatre business, backstage and front. When the original summer camp project began 29 years ago, the focus was just on providing local music students with an opportunity to sample and learn the basics of playing a variety of instruments, not just the ones they focused JMGBMMBJUBHJS.BJT BVTTJ JMGBMMBJUSFTQFDUFS MFTÊUBQFT$PNNFJMTBHJTTBJUEFQSPUÊHFS un bâtiment qui a plus de 150 ans, nous avions besoin de l’accord de l’archidiocèse et nous l’avons obtenu. Tout va bien jusqu’à QSÊTFOUøv Le processus des soumissions est ter- NJOÊ-FDPOUSBUOÊUBOUQBTFODPSFSBUJàÊ  MFDPNJUÊOFWFVUQBTEJWVMHVFSMJEFOUJUÊ EVQMVTCBTTPVNJTTJPOOBJSF-FDPNJUÊOF veut pas non plus s’avancer sur la date du EÊCVUEFTUSBWBVY$FVYDJEÊQFOESPOUEF MBDBQBDJUÊEVDPNJUÊÆSÊDPMUFSMFTGPOET

and practice, drama practice, and art/set dec. The Thursday before Production Day saw two rehearsal sessions: one a general run-through of the musical, the other a full dress rehearsal. Friday afternoon, family, friends, and ev- eryone who liked a good fairy tale situation turned upside down, settled down in the Vankleek Hill Collegiate auditorium to enjoy the results for the debut of Thwacked! La harpe, le tambour et le glockenspiel sont quelques-uns des instruments que les enfants ont appris à jouer pendant leurs deux semaines au camp d’été de musique et d’art de Vankleek Hill. Ils ont aprris plusieurs pièces instrumentales adaptées à leur connaissance dans le cadre d’une comédie musicale qu’ils ont produite et réalisée le 13 juillet. —photo Gregg Chamberlain OÊDFTTBJSFT -FDPNJUÊTFNQSFTTFEFDPNQMÊUFSTPO QMBOEFàOBODFNFOUjø$FTUÊWJEFOURVF la paroisse ne peut pas payer les travaux en claquant des doigts, il faut solliciter la DPNNVOBVUÊQPVSEFTEPOT"VGBJU OPVT BWPOTEÊKÆDPNNFODÊÆSFDFWPJSEFTDPOUSJ - CVUJPOTøv BFYQMJRVÊMFQSÊTJEFOU -FTQFSTPOOFTJOUÊSFTTÊFTÆDPOUSJCVFS peuvent faire leur chèque au nom de la 1BSPJTTF4BJOU+FBO#BQUJTUFFUÊDSJSF4BV - WPOTOPUSFDMPDIFSTVSMBMJHOFNÊNP&MMFT QFVWFOUÊHBMFNFOUDPOUSJCVFSFOBMMBOUBV QPSUBJM(P'VOE.FmTBVWPOTOPUSFDMPDIFS Ou aller à la page Facebook pour plus d’info :



« Nous sommes épatés de pouvoir pas- ser à l’action ! Le diocèse a approuvé notre démarche. Tous ensemble, la communauté va sauver le clocher de l’église de L’Orignal », a déclaré Eric Drouin, président du comité Sauvons notre clocher, le dimanche 8 juillet. .%SPVJOTFEJUTPVMBHÊQBSMBSÊDFOUF nouvelle. « Les cloches ne sonnaient plus et

The Archdiocese of Ottawa gave the green light and a contractor was retained to repair the bell tower of the Saint-Jean- Baptiste church in L’Orignal. —photo Michel Lamy

Publié le mercredi par • Published on Wednesday by: La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. Imprimé par • Printed by: Imprimerie Prescott et Russell, Hawkesbury, ON # convention : 0040012398

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MAISON MACDONELL-WILLIAMSON HOUSE Thé Victorien Sous les auspices des Amis de la Maison MacDonell-Williamson

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Le samedi 28 juillet 2018 • 13h à 13h40 et 15h à 16h30 Billet en vente soit: à la Maison M-W (soit en argent, par chèque ou carte de crédit) ou chez Garden Path homemade soap, 284, ch. Pleasant Corner, Vankleek Hill, (argent ou chèque seulement) ou appeler Alice 450-451-5693 pour réserver et payer par Visa ou Mastercard. Chèques doivent être payables à la Maison Macdonell-Wililiamason. Chapeaux et bibis encouragés

Pique-nique “Petit Ourson” • Teddy Bear picnic Le dimanche 29 juillet de 13h à 15h30 • Sunday, July 29, 1 - 3:30 p.m. GRATUIT 12 ans et moins lorsque accompagné d’un adulte. Gouter, jeux, concours, prix et plus! N’oubliez pas d’apporter votre animal en peluche préféré! FREE 12 yrs and under when accompanied by an adult. Lunch, games, contests, prizes and more! Don’t forget to bring your favourite stuffed animal

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