
12 goals towards a strong

RRCA tree

economic foundation


Investigate the feasibilityof newregional

Eight specific targets have been

organizations and committees to lead the


identified inaplanprepared tohelpboost

implementation of various aspects of this

the economy of Prescott-Russell.


One of the prime goals of the strategy is

Focus external investment attraction

Do not wait until spring.

to “facilitate new economic opportunities

efforts on the activities in the convergence

The Raisin Region Conservation

and collaborations based on convergence,

between agriculture, manufacturing, and


creativity and talent.”

transportation and logistics;

the opportunity to beautify their property

To achieve this end, the strategy lays out

Establish Prescott-Russell as a “green”


eight specific objectives.

region and centre for research and

trees and shrubs.

development of bio-applications in


manufacturing, transportation and energy;

Le Phénix

provide wildlife habitat, improve the

Develop an incubation program focused


on activities in the convergence areas

– this program is for you.

between agriculture, manufacturing and


All seedlingsare indigenous speciesoften


unavailable at local nurseries.

Develop and enhance the Business

This bulk purchase by the RRCA allows

savings plan

Retention and Expansion (BR&E) activities

for acquiring these trees on a cost recovery

in Prescott-Russell with technology-based

basis. No long drives out of town, no


excessive gas consumption and a reduction

Identify education and training


in your own carbon footprint.

opportunities in an effort to increase

“We have taken a carpooling approach,”

educational attainment and technical skill

says RRCA Soil and Water Conservation

The Alfred-based advocacy group, Le

within the local labour force;

Specialist Normand Génier. “Seedlings are

Phénix, is organizing bilingual

Undertake activities focused on building

purchased by individuals, families as well

information sessions on the Registered

the creative rural economy in Prescott-

Dominique Auger and Alain Lapensée,

as businesses for distribution to employees,

Disability Savings Plan.

Russell with the priorities of promoting

owners of La Binerie Plantagenet.

which is a great idea.” He added, “Tree

For more information or to make an

connectivity and collaboration, and

planting subsidies from Trees Ontario are

appointment, call 613-679-1244, toll-free

attracting and retaining creative workers;

Bean showdown

also available for landowners with greater

number 1-866-775-7001, or e-mail:


than one hectare (2.5 acres) of land. The

incubation program supporting small

subsidy covers approximately 90 per cent of

Le Phénix has been awarded a contract

businesses and events in the tourism,


the total establishment cost of a plantation.”

to informpeoplewithdisabilities and their

cultural, hospitality and arts sector.

Tree seedlings come in multiples of ten

families about the RDSP on behalf of

The second goal articulated in the

per species and must be ordered before the

Independent Living Canada.

My grandmother’s beans are the best!

economic development strategy is to create

March 31, 2012 deadline. In total, 25 species

That’s the name of the contest organized

Le Phénix is holding information

an unparalleled quality of place and

are available this year and include conifer

during the Plantagenet Bean Festival to be

sessions in Prescott-Russell, Stormont-

remarkable visitor experiences. To achieve

trees such as White Spruce and White Pine,

held at La Binerie Plantagenet Sunday,

Dundas-Glengarry, theOutaouais and the

this goal, the strategy lays out four specific

deciduous trees likeBlackWalnut andSugar

October 2.



Maple, and even deciduous shrubs such as

“Our grandmothers’ food…mmm! It’s

TheRDSPisa federal registeredsavings

1. Reorganize the tourism development

Nannyberry and Wild Raisin. All species


plan delivered by the Canada Revenue

structure and activities to better recognize

are reasonably priced and sell between 57

that’s where the name of the contest comes

Agency. It is designed to ensure long-term

the sector’s influence on other sectors of the

cents and $1.05 each.

from. We’re expecting several competitors

financial security for people with

local economy as well as quality of place;

Improveyourproperty, your community

andwe just can’twait to taste and showcase

disabilities. The plan was created to help

2. Build the capacity of Prescott-Russell

and your environment. Order your tree

traditional family recipes,” said Alain

children and adults with disabilities save

to attract and retainmulti-day tourist visits;

seedlings using the online form at

Lapensée, co-owner of La Binerie

for the future – and to give the people who

3. Brand Prescott-Russell within the, or by calling Josianne

Plantagenet. “We also expect some less

love them a little peace of mind. Benefits

context of its agricultural strengths, natural

Sabourin of the Raisin RegionConservation

traditional recipes, like vegetarian ones.

include matching grants of up to $3,500


Authority at 613-938-3611, extension 221.

Beans are known for their excellent

per year on eligible contributions, plus a

of differentiating the region from its

nutritional value. A serving of beans is a

bond of up to $1,000 per year even if no


very good source of fibre and proteins,” he

contribution ismade. Toknowmore about

Museum money

4. Enhance the built environment and





physical infrastructure in Prescott-Russell

The public will be invited to sample the or call 1-800-

inorder toappeal toawider rangeof visitors

different bean recipes brought in by


and residents.


competitors for the contest and La Binerie’s

own beans. The bean tasting is free. “Our

Better access

competitorswill have everything theyneed

The Glengarry Pioneer Museum in

onhandtoserve thepublicaswe’reopening

Dunvegan has been awarded $4,700 by the

our kitchen doors to them,” explained

federal government to help organize its

Dominique Auger, co-owner of La Binerie

Fall Festival and a War of 1812 battle re-

to health services for

Plantagenet.Approximately ten judgeswill


taste the beans and determine which the

“We receive many visitors from across

winning recipes are.

Ontario and Québec who are interested in

Champlain residents

Competitors must be at least 19 years



the work of 173 local artists, artisans and

They must register before September 26


and bring at least ten pounds of cooked

to the area’s cultural heritage,” says curator

The Champlain Local Health Integration Network is investing $730,000 in new

beans October 2, There are many prizes to

Jennifer Black.

annual funding to help people travel to health services such as seniors’ day programs

be won: Eastern Ontario’s Best Cauldron

“North Glengarry is one of the oldest

and dialysis.

Trophy, one-night stay including dinner at

communities in Ontario and represents one

The program will be implemented across the region in Renfrew County, North

OGenêt Bed&Breakfast, gift certificates for


Lanark/North Grenville, Ottawa, and the Eastern Counties. It will be particularly

activities in the region and other

says Glengarry-Prescott-Russell MP Pierre


participation prizes.

Lemieux. “The Pioneer Museum works

and medical procedures. Expanding non-urgent medical transportation services is a top

In addition to the free bean tasting, the

successfully to celebrate Upper Canada’s

priority forboth theLHINand the communitysupport agencies that deliver care. Thenew

festival will feature fun activities for the

dynamic history.”

funds will expand existing transportation services. With an aging population and an

whole family, music and entertainment.

increasing number of patients requiring treatments such as dialysis, demand for such

A tour of La Binerie’s kitchen and

services is growing. The Champlain LHIN’s overall strategy is keep seniors healthy and

Allan Chamandy

sampling of other food products prepared

independent in their own homes, and this project is an integral part of that goal. When

on site will be offered.

seniors are unable to access health services, they may prematurely go to a long-term care

Coupons will be sold at $2 each; $1 per


home, or end up in a hospital emergency room. In recent years, the Champlain LHINhas

coupon will go to local community groups.

placeda strong focus on improvingnon-urgentmedical transportation. In fact, since 2008,

During the festival, the owners will

the LHIN has purchased 10 new vans plus 10 replacement vans for residents in rural and

inaugurate their new store.

urbanparts of our region. TheChamplainLHINhas alsoput inplace newtechnology that

A funeral service was held Thursday in

Customers will now be able to stop in

assists agencies in scheduling rides and sharing vans between multiple organizations.

Montréal for Allan Chamandy, long-time

and buy fresh and frozen food products

Non-urgent medical transportation has been identified as a top concern for agencies that

head of St. Lawrence Textiles, who passed

without having to order them first.

serve seniors. The Champlain LHIN will now be working closely with these agencies to

away Monday at the age of 67.

Admission is free. The event will be held

put in place the expanded services. “To benefit fromhealth services, folks need to be able

He had been president of the company,

rain or shine, under the big top.

to access them easily, and that’s why non-urgent medical transportation is such an

which once operated one of the largest

Contest rules and program are available

important issue for our region. This project shows howtheChamplainLHINcollaborates

industries in Hawkesbury, since 1971.

online and

with local communities and providers to find creative solutions to local health-care

He is survived by Sandy, his wife for 44

on its Facebook page.

challenges,” says Alex Munter, Champlain LHIN CEO.

years, and two children.

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