
smoked meat, bass and eggs.

motorists have also learned, offers a

Agriculture in all its forms continues to

spectacular view of the Rouge as it plunges


into the Ottawa River near Calumet.

The number of pot seizures confirms that

The day the latest 14-kilometre stretch

the regioncontinues tobeahot spot for illicit

was opened to public traffic, throngs of


people were out lollygagging and gawking

As far as we know, there are no plans for

on the bridge. The Sûreté du Québec had to

a weed festival in the works, but then, it

issueapress release toremindmotorists that

could have already taken place and nobody

it is illegal to stop on an autoroute unless it

rememberswhat happened.Now, again,we

The learning process

is for an emergency.

must reiterate that pot cultivation is illegal,

Imagine the crowds of sightseers who

and is a subject that cannot be treated lightly.

will converge on the area when the leaves

On a more serious note, we learned that

begin to change colour.

Website support.

Well, now that the kids are back in

some people need to be pet trained. Do not

Area roads have been well travelled by

Visit BullyingCanada’s website:

school and fall is on thehorizon, let us look

throwpets into the South Nation River. The

celebrities of all sorts over the last fewyears., or they can be

back on how we spent our summer.

conservation authority had to issue that

Rick Hansen rolled through our area in

reached by telephone at: 1-877-352-4497, by

Life is just one long learning process,

message after finding non-native snail and

his wheelchair 25 years ago as part of his

email at:, as well as

isn’t it?

turtle species in the basin.The agency finds

Man InMotion tour. He started out alone in

a online chat via the organizations website.

For example, we have learned that we

tires, dead cows, TVsets andeven cars in the

Newfoundland a quarter century ago and

Ona less seriousnote, it seems thatweare

can grow accustomed to earth tremors,

river. But recently staff have come across

gained momentum as he approached this

close to covering all food groups with our

which, surprisingly, we frequently

other finds, suchascreatures that apparently

district. This time around, he has started his

expanding line-up of area festivals.


were dumped by owners who no longer

cross-Canada tour in good company. When

The menu includes La Foire gourmande,

Again this summer, we learned that we

wanted to care for them.The problem is that

the trek winds up, no less than 7,000

the Festival of Flavours, Oktoberfests, and

cannot predict what Mother Nature will

non-native species can carry diseases to

Difference Makers will have taken part.

food-specific festivities, such as feasts

do. She tends to go to extremes. Lightning

native species while they compete for food

Speaking of a difference maker, Jack

celebrating curds, baked beans and hops.

has been wicked, and wonderful, this


Layton obviously moved many, including

Ducks are in the limelight during the annual

summer. Bolts can make you leap out of

One river that has been getting a lot of

those who did not vote for him.

Festival du canard et de la plume in St-

your hammock and can be lethal. Sadly, a

attention lately has been the Rouge, where a

Hisopen letter toCanadians, urgingus to


fatal accident at an Alfred-Plantagenet

new bridge has finally been opened as part

be loving andoptimistic, went viral andwill

Fortunately, there are still many other

camping area underlined that fact.

of the Autoroute 50 extension.

continue to be a source of inspiration. We

links in the food chain that have yet to be

Bouts of bone-dry weather have been

Wehave learnedthat thespanis74meters

learned once again that we can never

properly fêted – poutine, corn, scalloped

great for crops, gardens and outdoor

high and 378 meters long and, as many

underestimate the power of hope.

potatoes, milk, berries, soya beans, pork,


We learned this summer that people

still love parades, country fairs, and

demolition derbies.

We learned that people are fascinated

by crime and punishment.

La dernière pendaison, a play based on

the last hanging at the L’Orignal Jail, was

a sell-out.

For thosewhohavehadachance tostop

and smell the roses, we have learned the

heat has been great for this special


And if youhada chance todipapaddle,

a fishing line or a toe into a river or a lake

this summer, you have learned that the

dance of sunbeams on clear water can

rapidly dissipate any cares a person may


Speaking of concerns, we have been

asked to pass along this message.

“Bullying is a very complex issue and

charities suchasBullyingCanadaare there

to help and support you when dealing

with the issue of bullying,” said Rob

Frenette, an executive director of

BullyingCanada. “Going back to school is

a very difficult time. You have to get back

into that routine and if you’re dealing

with bullying, itwill becomeanevenmore

stressful time,” added Katie Neu, also an

executive directors with the organization.

BullyingCanada provides confidential,

free support, information and resources

on dealing with the issue of bullying via a

24/7 support line, online chat, email and



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