
Plan to bring


back trees

crops aren’t



Aplanisessential for any tree-planting

Police are reminding the public to be


wary of illicit crop-growing operations in

“A woodlot owner without a

eastern Ontario.

management plan is like a grocery store

The Ontario Provincial Police Organized


Crime Enforcement Bureau Drug

says Marie-Rose Chrétien, Woodlot


Advisory Service coordinator with South

and visitors of the dangers associated with

Nation Conservation.

marijuana grow-ops.

With the push on to reforest as much of

In 2010, OPP DEU and its partners

Eastern Ontario as possible, South Nation

investigated 586 indoor and outdoor

Conservation has issued a reminder about

marijuana grows, destroying 218,168

two ongoing tree programs available to

marijuana plants in various areas of the

watershed residents.


One is theOntarioTrilliumFoundation-

Another 2,190 kilograms of dried

supported Woodlot Advisory Service

marijuana were confiscated, bringing the

(WAS) which provides a technician to help

Photo SDG O.P P.

total value of seized marijuana to $258

landowners identify such management

Participating in the presentation of a $3,500 cheque from the Caisse Populaire la Vallée

million.Officers also uncovered a solar-

considerations as general tree health,

to the North Glengarry Youth Centre are Caisse board president Raymond Legault,

powered electric fence used to ward off the

species and what their uses are, and basic

event organizer SD&GO.P.P. Constable Joel Doiron, YouthCentre representatives Lisa

unsuspecting public, police, and so-called

forest measurements.

Boyer and Caitlyn Desjardins and Chantal Lajoie, of La Caisse.

“pot pirates.”

Delivered by SNC and several partners,

There were also eight children, ranging

there’s no charge for the bilingual WAS

North Glengarry Youth

program available on a first-come, first-

in age from one to 12, found near various

served basis.

grow operations, as well as playground

Woodlot sizes must be a minimum of

equipment at one particular grow.

five acres.

Centre big winner

Marijuana grown in Ontario is typically

The programhas beenwell-received by

distributed throughout the province and

woodlot owners. To date, over 40 site


consultations have been carried out

at golf tourney

suchas cocaine, aswell asweapons andcash

coveringmorethan1,900acres. Thevisiting

often return toOntario to fuel other criminal


enterprises, which further endanger public

photography and recommendations on


how a given landowner might proceed in


managingawoodlot sustainably. Chrétien

Typically, these illicit crops are located

can be reached at 877-984-2948, ext. 285.

in swamps, corn fields,woodedareas, along

The North Glengarry Youth Centre was again the big winner at the eighth annual

The other program is the Tree Planting

rivers and on rural, rental properties with

Stormont-Dundas-GlengarryOntario Provincial Police golf tournament inAlexandria.

Service (TPS) throughwhich SNC staff has

large acreage.

In total, the event raised over $19,000 for the Youth Centre. It is estimated that over the

begun site visits and planning for

Marijuana plants are bright green in

course of its existence, the tournament has raised close to $100,000, relates Constable Joel

landowners wishing to add seedlings to

colour and grow to between three and five

Doiron, the organizer of the event.

their holdings in 2012. This spring, SNC

feet in height.

“I am truly overwhelmed and thankful of the support received by members of the

provided and helped plant 154,000 trees,

community and our personnel as well,” said SD&G O.P.P. Detachment Commander,

Leaves have seven jagged fingers and

including 100,000 under the Trees Ontario

Inspector Mike McDonell, who took part in the day’s activities. “This was a great day and

the plants give off a strong, pungent, musty

and Green Acres programs. Under TPS,

for a very good cause, providing our youth with opportunities to make right choices and


South Nation staff will assist landowners

be future leaders of tomorrow.” The event, which has become one the elite tournaments in


design plantations of 2.5 acres or more,

the area, was a sell-out with 144 golfers registered. Several prizes were available to bewon

arranging if desired contractors to prepare

grow operations include: Abandoned

throughout the course, thanks to generous donations from several area businesses. The

sites, as well as plant and tend seedlings to


tournament’s success is largely due to the hard work and dedication of its organizing

aid them in surviving competition from

observed walking in remote areas for no

committee where SD&GOPP receives support and partnership from the Caisse Populaire

grasses and weeds.

apparent reason; bags of fertilizer, planting

de la Vallée (Alexandria), Centre de Santé Communautaire de l’Éstrie, Équipe Psycho-

Trees Ontario provides up to $1.19 per

trays or chemicals located in remote areas;

Sociale, Glengarry Inter-Agency Group, North Glengarry Youth Centre and community

tree to help cover costs; landowners are

well-trampled trails in wooded or swamp

volunteers. The tournament’s major sponsor (Caisse Populaire de la Vallée) inAlexandria

required to contribute a minimum of 20

areas; cleared-out areas inswamps,wooded

presented a cheque for $3,500.

cents per tree.

areas or corn fields; numerous “No

In addition, Green Acres funding is

Trespassing” signs appearing out of

available to landowners within the rural


areas of the City of Ottawa. With a 500 tree

minimum, the Green Acres program

Typically, marijuana crops will be

provides 20 cents per tree for orders of 500

harvested starting as early as lateAugust up

to 1,000 trees.

until the beginning of October. There are

When planting over 1,000 trees,

numerous safety risks — the presence of

landowners will get up to 50% of their

criminals,weapons, ammunitionandbooby

eligible costs covered by the program.


“It’s important to order early to secure


species best suited to specific sites,” said

confrontations for unsuspecting, innocent

SNC’s Michael Petryk who can be reached


at 877-984-2948, ext. 295.

to be in the area of these illegal crops.These

criminal operations usually involve the



environmentally-damaging products.

Public Safety Tips


If you discover or suspect an outdoor

marijuana grow operation, as soon as

Do you love to sing and dance?

possible, call your local police or Crime

Here is a chance to share your talent.

Stoppers. Donot touch themarijuanaplants

Auditions are being held for the March

due to potential chemical residue on the

2012 presentation of the Hudson Music

plants. If confrontedby amarijuana grower,

Club’sproductionof “42ndStreet,”thegroup’s

leave the area immediately and contact

60th musical.

For an audition appointment, call 450-

police. If possible and safe to do so, record




any licence plate or GPS information and

notify police. Do not enter the area.


For your personal safety, turn around

9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., September 11, from 2

and immediately leave the area the same

Photo Richard Mahoney

p.m. to 5 p.m., at Wyman Church, 513 Main


Four-wheel electric scooters have become more popular over the years, presenting some

Rd., Hudson, and September 18, from 12:30

about grow ops, contact your local police or

new challenges for automobile drivers. In Hawkesbury, the traffic flow regularly

p.m. to 5 p.m., at the Hudson Community

includes the slow-moving vehicles.

Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS).

Centre, 394 Main Rd.

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