T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
June, 1938
JULY S Overcoming “ This is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith” (1 John 5:4). The world hates the true believer in Christ. This is an undoubted fact. But on the other hand, the world offers the believer an unparalleled sphere of witness and a unique opportunity for victory and triumph through Jesus Christ. That victory is assured by the application o f a victorious principle. In every walk of life there are certain principles that make for success and victory. Many Christians fail because they do not understand the victorious principle of Chris tian living. What is that principle? It is our faith. What is faith? Let us study the root meaning of the word in order to gauge something of its wealth of content. In Acts 5:40, the root is translated “ agreed," so the first element in the victorious principle that overcomes the world is agreement with God. . . . The victorious principle is absolute one ness with the purpose of God. That is vic torious faith.—W . M allis .* “ / know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which 1 have committed unto him against that day” (2 Tim . 1:12). A child that hath any precious thing given him cannot better secure it than by putting it into his father’s hands to keep: so neither can we better provide for our souls’ safety than by committing them to God.—J ohn T rapp . They so nestled themselves in Him, as a child would in a nurse’s arms, that He was round them, and all the difficult cir cumstances were round Him. —W illiam T yndall , the M artyr . What a vast portion of our lives is spent in anxious and useless forebodings con cerning the future, either our own or that of our dear ones! Present joys, present blessings, slip by, and we miss half their sweet flavor, and all for want of faith in Him who provides for the tiniest insect in the sunbeam. Oh, when shall we learn the sweet trust in God our little children teach us every day by their confiding faith in us? W e who are so mutable, so faulty, so irritable, so unjust: and He who is so watchful, so pitiful, so loving, so forgiving! Why cannot we, slipping our hand into His each day, walk trustingly over that day’s appointed path, knowing that evening will bring us sleep, peace, and home? —P hillips B rooks . JULY 10 Joy in Trusting "The Lord redeemeth the soul of his serv ants: and none of them that trust in him shall be desolate" (Psa. 34:22). JULY 9 Safe Keeping
his sufferings, being made comformable unto his death” (Phil. 3:10). “ Have I been so long time with thee, And yet hast thou not known M e?” “ O my Master, I have known Thee On the roads of Galilee.” “Have I been so long time with thee On the roads of Galilee, Yet, M y child, has thou not known Me Walking on the tossing sea?” “ O my Master, I have known Thee On the roads and on the sea.” “Wherefore then hast thou not known Me Broken in Gethsemane? “ I would have thee follow, know Me Thorn-crowned, nailed upon the tree. Canst thou follow, wilt thou know Me, All the way to Calvary?”
SOUTH AFRICA GENERAL MISSION 23 Flatbush Avenue Brooklyn, N. Y. “How can I except some man should guide me” ; said the A F R I C A N to Philip. “How shall they hear without a preacher” ; said Paul. Thousands of native AFRICANS are waiting to hear of Jesus. The S.A.G.M. is pioneering in uncovered territories, and through its band of faithful workers seeking to make Christ known. Information will be furnished on request.
—A my C armichael .
D R . F R A N K H . G U E R N S E Y
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VAndike 1928
Los Angeles
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1 IAVE YOU LOST YOUR INSURANCE s o - c a l l e d ? ~ How can Christians make "common cause" with the "money changers" of the type the Lord drove out of the temple with a scourge and expect Him to bless and prosper us or our country? We recommend the Mutual Protection plan of the Benevolent Societies of the Constitutional Government League which encourages thrift and stability among the people. Provides "ability before liability is assumed" in Units of $250 and $500. Five Units available. Ages 2 to 65. A Washington Corporation DIRECTED BY CHRISTIAN MEN. Prayer Helpers Wanted. Ask for schedule of "Costs in Contributions"; they are most reasonable. CON STITUTIONAL GOV ERNM ENT LEAGUE, 4031 Francis Ave., Seattle, Wash. Cry From the Russian Field H H (n 1937, Peter Deyneka, Director o f the Russian Gospel Association, Inc., (which is interdenominational, evangelical, and evangelistic) visited ^ wljffl missionaries, mission stations and new fields in the Soviet Union, on the H b o r d e r s o f Russia, and in the Far East. Mingling among the people he H f wH obtained a true picture o f their plight and found them to be hungry for ll| the Gospel. On the borders of Russia they walk many miles and stand ■ ■
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I lf for several hours in a single service.
I 9 Many Russian missionaries are now supported by the Russian Gospel 4 9 Association on the borders o f Russia and in other lands where Russian < 9 Christians have sought refuge . . . yet there is a cry for more Gospel 11 workers. We have men who are ready to go but it requires the means J§f to send and support them. From ten to thirty dollars per month will | ¿ m support a native evangelist. W ill you pray earnestly and answer their i* cry and send your gifts to The Russian Gospel Association, Inc. Peter Deyneka, General Director (Copy “ Russian Gospel News” sent on request) Dept. K 64 W. Randolph St., Chicago N E W S C R I P T U R E T R U T H C O U R S E Just published is this latest of the correspondence courses offered by / Moody Bible Institute. By Dr. James M. Gray, long a recognized teacher. y This course is designed for young Christians. The great truths of God’s word are made plain. Also just the thing for boys and girls in their early L teens. 12 lessons with easily understood discussions. Use in Sunday School i or among other groups of young people. Price is only $2.50. Be sure to send
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A ticulars of this great p ___________ _ ___________ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ —...
JULY 11 Do You Know Him?
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COThere are 15 other 1 Dl”rt- KF303’ 153 lnstitu,e p,aca' ChloaB°' courses which have I inspired thousands I Scripture Truth Course,
Please send me full information concerning the new Please also send prospectus telling about 15 other
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"That 1 may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of *Copyrighted, 1936, by the Bible Institute Col- portage Association of Chicago, reprinted ooitk ex press permission.
1 available courses.
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