PipeLine-2017-Edition 1-WEB

While adding tasks to invoices is a great way to add a few percentage points to your revenue, adding a technician is a way to add an even higher percentage. Think about if your average technician is producing $20k/month in revenue ($240k per year), then adding another technician to your mix should produce the same! The question is…what’s stopping you from adding that additional technician? Usually this comes to a combination of two answers: #1) I can’t afford another technician (I need more calls) #2) I can afford another technician, but I can’t find one. If you are having a challenge with finding a good technician, work with your Franchise Consultant to come up with proactive and sustainable hiring practices. However, if it’s a question of not being able to produce enough calls to afford another technician in your operation, have you determined how many additional calls you’ll need? Your Franchise Consultant can help you with this. It all starts with your Customer Service Representative (CSR) booking rate and your technician’s close rate. Assuming you would like your technicians to work no more than three jobs per day, then at maximum efficiency they’d be working 66 jobs per month (3 jobs/day x 22 business days per month). The chart on the right shows how improving your booking and closing rates can reduce the number of calls it takes to sustain a technician. Once you are comfortable with the number of calls it takes, then it’s a matter of marketing. In other words… how will you grow your call lead count to accommodate an additional technician?

Your Franchise Consultant team stands ready to assist you with providing you with the data and information you need to make these changes and help you add your NEXT Task and your NEXT Tech to create your NEXT Point of Profit.

*For Example Only

What is Your Booking Rate?

What is Your Booking Rate?



What is Your Closing Rate?

What is Your Closing Rate?



To Sustain One Technician, Your Shop Will Need to Produce:

To Sustain One Technician, Your Shop Will Need to Produce:






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