communautaire community link Le lien The Croisade publique du Rosaire Bourget : Venez vous joindre à nous pour prier pour le Canada, de- vant l’Église Sacré-Cœur, au belvédère (gazebo), le 15 octobre à midi (12h). Apportez votre chaise de parterre. Pour plus de renseignements : Odette au 613- 487-2531 Aigle d’Or de Wendover Souper au Centre communautaire Lucien-Delorme le jeudi 20 octobre prochain à 17 h 30. Il y aura des jeux à 16 h. Info : 613-673-8820. Retraite en Action Invitation aux membres et non membres, au Déjeuner Des Flyés, le mercredi 19 octobre, de 9 h 30 à 11 h 30, au Manoir Rockland, 9045, chemin de comté 17 à Rockland. The Nation Seniors’ Luncheon The Nation Senior’s and Friend’s Dinner will be held on Oct. 25, at noon, at the Fournier Community Hall, County Road 9, Fournier. RSVP by Oct 21 to Karen, 613-524-3354. Chorale de Noël Choristes recherchés pour la cho- rale à l’église Très-Sante-Trinité de Rockland. La séance d’information aura lieu le jeudi 13 octobre à l’église. Les répétitions auront lieu, par la suite, tous les jeudis à 19 h. Contacter 613- 857-8533. Société historique de Saint-Pascal-Baylon L’assemblée annuelle aura lieu le 12 octobre prochain au Centre commu- nautaire Ronald Lalonde à 19 h. Tous sont bienvenus. Le Choeur du Moulin de Rockland Le Choeur du Moulin de Rockland a débuté ses activités la semaine der- nière. Pour nous joindre : 613-677-1033. Mercredi soir de 19 h à 21 h à la salle de musique de l’École secondaire catho- lique L’Escale à Rockland. Whist Militaire Les C de C organisent unWhist Mili- taire au profit de l’église, le dimanche 6 novembre 2016 à 13 h 30. SVP réservez avant le 3 novembre. Réservation : 613- 866-2191. Organisé par le Club d’âge d’or de Plantagenet, le 13 novembre à 13 h 30, au centre communautaire de Plantage- net. Réservation avant le 10 novembre au 613-673-517 ou au 613- 673-1986. Cumberland Lions Club Cumberland Lions Club Oktober- fest, Oct. 22, at Maple Hall, 2552 Old Montreal Road. Good German food and beer and the Ottawa Rube Band, cock- tail hour 5 p.m., supper 6 p.m. Limited number of tickets. Phone Charlotte at 613-265-8299.
Something’s buzzing in Curran
why the bees are dying at an alarming rate; two of themare affecting a local beekeeper. Jill Davies is the owner of Buzzz Honey Products based in Curran and has seen firsthand what parasites and pesticides can do to a bee colony. “I once found a whole hive being decimated. The bees were all on their back with their tongue sticking out, a sign that they were poisoned. By ingesting harmful pesticides, the bees weaken the hive which is then easier for parasites, like mites, to infect the bees. It’s a vicious cycle.” Jill Davies and her sister KathleenDavies operate seven hives in Curran and produce over 200 pounds of honey a year. Jill Davies sells most of the honey and uses the rest, along with the wax to create all-natural beauty products. A veterinarian techno- logist by trade, she started her hobby over seven years agomaking her products out of amakeshift kitchen. “I started out making all kinds of products just for fun, but I realised that people actually liked my stuff and that there was a need for it.” In 2009, Davies was fighting breast can- cer and the medical staff had told her to use calendula cream to prevent burns. She had to go all the way to Toronto to acquire the cream. Seeing the benefits of the cream firsthand she decided to grow her own calendula flowers and extract the active ingredients and incorporate it in all of her beauty products. The bees can also feed on the flowers. Jill Davies is part of a community of hobby and organic farmers in Prescott Russell who put their lands to work to create niche busi- nesses. But the coexistence between indus- trial farming and organic local farming is a complicated relationship, not to mention heavy industries trying to settle themselves next to agricultural lands. What is the future of our rural communi- ties?Many young families are leaving urban settings, trading proximity to their work for a rural lifestyle. In turn, these hobby farmers work their land to create local and organic products and participate in diversifying the available produce to the community. Jill and Kathleen Davies sell their products in farmers’ markets inOttawa and Cumberland and through the Web. PIEDS SENSIBLES! SORE FEET! Nous pouvons vous aider! • Douleurs aux talons • Arches affaissées • Douleurs aux genoux • Douleurs aux chevilles • Maux de dos • Fatigués par la marche We can help! • Heel pain • Fallen arches • Knee pain • Ankle pain • Back pain • Tired feet when walking Dr. Jean-François Gauthier B.Sc. (Kin), D.C., C PED (C) Certified Pedorthist • Pedorthiste certifié 613 824-1988 2543, St-Joseph, Orléans ON K1C 1G2 ORTHÈSES ORLÉANS ORTHOTICS
Jill Davies, owner and operator of Buzzz Honey Products. —photo Maxime Myre
which are valued at more than US $9 billion annually,” said Eric Lee-Mäder, program director at the Xerces Society, the non-profit organisation that petitioned the US govern- ment to label the bees as endangered, du- ring a recent interviewwith CNN.The steep decline in bee population could mean, in a foreseeable future, that products like coffee could disappear. There are many reasons INVEST FOR SAVING in a central heating and cooling system INVESTIR POUR ÉCONOMISER avec un système central de chauffage et climatisation
Bees are now officially on the endangered species’ list and that should scare honey lovers but also the agriculture sector of the economy. “Native pollinators in the US provide essential pollination services to agriculture
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Publié le jeudi par • Published on Thursday by: La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. Imprimé par • Printed by: Imprimerie Prescott et Russell, Hawkesbury, ON # convention : 0040012398
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