CCI-Review 2022-23 #3

SCAM ALERT– Don ’ t be a Victim The scams continue to proliferate by phone, texts, emails and the list goes on. Be alert when you are reading or listening to messages. Reporting is important. Please visit the Canadian Anti - Fraud Centre (CAFC) here Don’t give out personal information if you have not initiated the call and you don’t know who you are talking to. For more information about how to protect yourself, visit the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre. The fact that CAFC estimates that only approximately 5% of fraud cases are reported makes it even more alarming. and in reporting. No matter how many notices, alerts and reports are put out in every manner of information, still there are those who are ‘ taken for a ride ’. We see and hear cautions in every manner possible and everyone needs to be reminded on the many ways they can be scammed or defrauded. As of January 31, 2023 there have been 6,610 reports of fraud; 3,923 victims of fraud and $43.6 M lost to fraud. These numbers can be nothing less than alarming..


We do our very best to reach out to our members where we have email addresses. If you are not receiving emails from us there may be a couple of reasons: CCI has not been provided your email address: Email the Administrator at ccisw@cci to approve receiving email. Email was returned as undeliverable for a variety of reasons : If we received an “undeliverable”, we do remove the email address from our data. Please update as changes occur. The email is being routed to your SPAM folder: A periodic check of your SPAM folder for a message from the Administrator <ccisw@cci- to move the message from SPAM to your Inbox can solve the problem. Follow your email instructions on this task. You may decide you don’t wish to receive our Communiqués. Hopefully not, but if so, simply email us to let us know. We urge Condominium Corporations to update the Administrator every time there is a change on the Board of Directors. Use this Membership Change form .

Remember, if it seems too good to be true, it is! Be vigilant! Protect yourself from scams and fraud.

Stories to Tell—Thanks for Sharing

We all have awesome responsibilities to share in our communities and in the industry/ We also have stories to tell about the accomplishments that are worth sharing and even issues that you can use some assistance with. Other articles within the pages of this and future publications of this CCI Review may address some of your issues and ease the load you are carrying in your communities. We welcome your questions or comments that could very well develop into a topic of a future article by the appropriate professional/business partner.

CCI Review 2022/2023 – 3 —March 2023 Page 27

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