CCI-Review 2022-23 #3

Q&A— Door & Window Maintenance

There are always questions relating to drafts, security, maintenance and more that can best be answered by the appropriate experts in the field, whatever area it may concern. We welcome your questions at any time so we can reach out to get and share that information. We thank Chris and Diane for their responses.

Jennifer Dickenson, RCM,OLCM, LCCI is a condominium manager with Dickenson Condo Management and the President of the CCI London & Area Chapter.

Chris, Hystead Branch Manager of London Ventri Door Technologies, an Ardent Company 24 H: 519 - 642 - 4700

During winter seasons, many owners encounter drafts from their doors. Do you have any recommendations on how to keep units warmer? The key to ensuring owner ’ s are not experiencing heat loss around their doors, is to ensure the door ’ s weather stripping is in good condition, installed correctly and is adequate for the environment. Perimeter weather strip that is mounted to the door frame, and allows the door to seal tightly when closed is required for ensuring no heat loss, as well as a bottom door sweep or weather seal that mounts to the bottom of the door to help seal the bottom gap. Security has become a real concern over the last bit. Do you have any recommendations to improve security on your door without affecting too much change on the outside? Security enhancements really depend on the type of doors, and if there ’ s a history of a break and enter, an understanding on how the individual was able to breech the entry so we know where to beef up the hardware. Commonly, thieves will use a flat device wedged between the door and frame to retract the latch and force entry. For this, we would recommend a latch guard that would mount on the exterior side of the door, and would protect the gap between the door and frame to prevent anyone from being able to stick an object between the door and frame to get at the latch. In addition to this, installing a deadbolt, if the door doesn ’ t already have one, would also help reinforce the security on the door. Beyond this, electronic door hardware, and security cameras can also help as deterrents to ward off thieves. What kind of maintenance do you recommend owners

CCI Review 2022/2023 - 3 March 2023 Page 28

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