Customer Trax July 2017


527Marquette Ave, Suite 1825 Minneapolis, MN 55402


this issue

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6 CRM Insights

The Repeat Test

The Fourth Pillar of CRM Adoption

Used Equipment Matchmaking

Simple Summer Brown Butter and Corn Pasta

Goofy, or Genius?


NikolaTesla’s Coil

When you see a “mad scientist” on TV, chances are the character is based at least a little on Nikola Tesla. Tesla was an inventor and engineer who worked around the turn of the last century, and he was a brilliant — if kooky — man. Although Tesla is known for his pioneering work in many fields, his best- known invention is the one that bears his name: the Tesla coil. Originally, Tesla developed his coil while working on a “wireless” lighting system; the idea was to build a device that could deliver power to gas light bulbs (like the fluorescent lights in your office) without any wires at all. Although other researchers were working on the same technology at the same time, Tesla was the first to see practical applications and patent his design. The Tesla coil did work, but it had some serious drawbacks. The biggest one was efficiency; Tesla coils use a lot more electricity to do the same work as electrical wiring does.

and generate electron winds, which is pretty nifty. If you want to see Nikola Tesla’s coil in action, head to YouTube. You can also call around to see if there’s a coil at a museum near you.

Tesla claimed that in theory a coil could become self-sustaining, but neither he nor anyone else was able to build one that was. Even if coils were more efficient, though, there was still the problem of range — Tesla

was never able to wirelessly transmit electricity more than a few feet, which is sort of a problem if you’re trying to light a house. Although Tesla’s coil technology is still used in a few modern applications, they’re primarily educational tools these days. Tesla coils demonstrate neat electrical principles and can be built to shoot lightning bolts

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