March, 1936
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
TheTtibleInstitute FAMILY CIRCLE
at the Institute and will be the director of the school orchestra as well as o f the or chestra of the Church o f the Open Door. The Bible Institute of Los Angeles is grateful to God for the coming of these talented and consecrated Christian men. Special Lecturer Emphasizing evangelism in its class rooms as well as from its conference plat form, the Institute has arranged to give itsl|students as much ‘training as possible along the line of personal soul-winning. In two months, February and March, Oscar Lowry is giving an intensive course in Personal Evangelism. Himself a suc cessful evangelist, having held union meet
A r the beginning o f the fall semester in September, 1935, three new mem- ‘ bers—William Harllee B o rd e a u x , Francis J. Carter, and Roy L. Laurin—I were added to the Institute faculty ; and several others more recently have joined the .teaching staff, their work beginllng with the second term of the school year. Mr. Bordeaux is a
Mr. Laurin is pas tor of the San Ga briel Union Church, San Gabriel, Calif. In the six years that he has held this pas torate, th e church has outgrown its p r e s e n t facilities. Plans for the erec tion of a new build ing which will seat a thousand people are now under way. Following his grad uation f r o m t h e Moody Bible Insti tute in 1921, Mr. Laurin served three churches inMinneso ta. He was assistant
native of N o r t h Carolina. Following his graduation from Westminster Theo logical Seminary in Philadelphia in 1931, he was ordained as a Presbyterian minis ter, and he accepted a call to the Com munity Presbyterian jfihtirch, Old Green wich, Conn., where he served for two years. Later, he en gaged in evangelis
ings in e i g h t e e n states and in Can ada, Mr. Lowry has spent much time in perfecting a method wh e r e b y Scripture may be memorized for effective use in s o u l - w i n n i n g . T r a i n e d at the Moody Bible In stitute during th e period of Moody’s and Torrey’s asso ciation w i t h t h e schoolB Mr. Lowry served the Institute
Mr. Laurin
pastor of the Stewart P r e s b y t e r i a n Church, Minneapolis, and pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Lewiston, and of the First Presbyterian Church of Winona. He is widely sought as a conference speak er and especially as a young people’s leader. Mr. Laurin is teaching classes in •Systematic Theology at the Institute. The Institute is further strengthened by the coming of »several special instructors. The teaching staff of the music depart ment of the Bible Institute has been en larged by the addition of three new mem bers, who serve as special instructors. Paul Huffman comes to the Institute as teacher of advanced piano. .«Professor Huffman has studied in Chicago, Boston, Paris, and Berlin, and has been a concert pianist, choir director, and pipe organist of high standing. Eugene M .1 Riddle is a graduate of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, having completed his work with the class of 1930. From the University of California at Los Angeles he received the degree of Bache lor of Education, majoring in music. Later, he completed a year’s postgraduate work in music at the University o f Southern California. At the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, he- is teaching pipe-organ, piano, and theory classes. Frederick. C. Rowley, who has had many years’ experience in bands and orchestras, has also joined the teaching staff of the In stitute. At present, he is assistant band di rector at the University of Southern Cali fornia. He has been divisional bandmas ter for the Salvation Army in Southern California, having nine organized bands and six choral groups under his direction. Mr. Rowley will teach brass instruments
Mr. Bordeaux
tic work in New* York and New Jersey, and in 1934 was called to the John Brown University, in Arkansas, to serve as chair man of the faculty in the Bible College and as university minister during the year’s
absence 1 o f another professor. Coming to the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles in the j, fall of 1935, Mr. Bordeaux was engaged to ; .t e a c h Church H i s t o r y , Homiletics, Pu b l i c Speaking, and Prac tice Preaching. Mr. Carter was for four years an instructor in t h e Northern Bapt is t Th e o l o g i c a l Semi nary, Chicago, 111,,
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r" owr^ in Chicago at two subsequent periods, first as a member of the extension staff, and later as director of practical work and personal evangelism. Mr. Lowry places great emphasis upon the use of the'W'prd, and his methods have helped hufrdreds' of men and women to become successful soul-winners. Word from Friends I n honor of John H. Hunter, former member o f the Institute faculty, and Mrs. Hunter, about eighty-five friends gathered in the Biola Dining Room on January 29 for an informal luncheon. Mr. Hunter, who is pastor of the Mayflower Congregational Church, Pacific Grove, Calif., had come to Los Angeles to be present and to speak at the unveiling of the Torrey Memorial Tablet on January 28. Cutler B. ( ’25) and Mrs. Whitwell ( ’26) conducted a Bible conference sponsored by the young people of the Melrose Bap tist Church o f Oakland, Calif., from December 28 to 30. The Saturday eve ning rally was a union meeting, including the Eastbay Evangelistic Union as well as the young people o f the church. Mr. Whitwell’s subject on this occasion was “Position, Possession, and Power.” Winnie Hoopes, ’28, who formerly served as manager of the Institute’s Stu dent Dining Room, has been seriously ill for the past few months. She has been in ill health for more than six years, and the prayers of Institute friends will mean much to her during these days. She is liv ing at 163 No. Chicago St., Los Angeles. [Continued on page 117]
Mr. Carter
from whence he secured degrees of Bach elor of Divinity and Master o f Theology. He is also a graduate of the Pastors’ Course of the Moody Bible Institute. For several years, Mr. Carter and his wife (Elsie Behrens) were associated with the late Thomas E. Stephens in the work of the Great Commission Prayer League, Chicago. Having an activé interest in mis sions, Mr. Carter has prepared stereopti- con addresses, covering work in several countries, and the lectures have been given before appreciative audiences in several states of the Union as well as fin Canada. At present, Mr. Carter is entering upon his second term of teaching at Biola. The subjects that have been assigned to him are New Testament Greek, Greek Exege sis, Prophecy, Principles of Interpretation, History of Doctrine, Archaeology, and Biblical Introduction. Both Mr. Bordeaux and Mr. Carter have accepted invitations to preach or teach in churches in and near Los Angeles/ and their background enables them to meet the problems of the young people as well as of other members of these congregations.
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