King's Business - 1936-03


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

March,. 1936

92,000 Hcui and (fa £ i

CHRISTS RESURRECTION [Continued from page 87] from sin, that we are joined to Christ, that the Holy Spirit is living in us. This reckon­ ing of faith includes a complete yielding to the control of Christ. The attitude of surrender and faith is the normal attitude for every one to take as soon as he accepts Jesus Clppist as his Saviour. But the ma­ jority -of Christians for one reason or an­ other find themselves living an up-and- down life, without the “ rest o f faith” that is promised. Then comes a crisis that transforms the life. The crisis does not concern a new thing that God does for them, but rather the recognition of what God has done. This recognition takes the form of yielding to Christ’s control and reckoning oil the fact that He is living within, and that the Holy Spirit is living within, and is giving life and power to win victory over sin. Many who have entered into a new ex­ perience through this crisis o f surrender and faith begin to look at their expe­ rience as though somehow this would keep them in victory. There result failure and disappointment. They have not learn­ ed the secret of abiding. They have not learned the relation between that glorious crisis, when everything seemed real in the Christian life, and the day-by-day and mo- ment-by-moment abiding that should fol­ low. W h a t Is D a il y A b id in g ? This problem of continual abiding brings us to the second great responsibil­ ity of the Christian, which is clearly stated in Romans 8:13: " “ If by the Spirit ye put to death the deeds of the body, ye shall live.” This expression “the deeds of the body,” or “the doings o f the body,” is parallel with the expression “ the works of the flesh.” This is another clear indication of how Paul is using the word “body.” All the blessed things that are done by the power of the Spirit are also done through our bodies, but “the doings o f the body” means the evil doings, or all that we do which is not controlled by the Spirit, all that does not proceed from this new res­ urrection life. These doings of the body are “ dead works.” Jealousy and strife, lust and impurity, covetousness and pride, worry and worldliness, and similar sins, are “doings o f the body.” Now we still have this body, and we are still capable o f these doings. Not only so, but no Christian is perfectly free from these doings, for that condition would mean sinlessness. What then is victory, and what are we to do with the deeds of the body? The answer is twofold. We are to put them to death. If a Christian has the right attitude, he will hate sin. At the first man­ ifestation o f pride or lust or covetousness or worry or unbelief, he will recognize it as that which is hateful. His whole desire is to put it to death. But frequently this attitude is not shown. We Christians do not want to sin, but we like to do certain things that we like to do. W e want to have our own way. We do not want to displease the Lord, and yet we dally with some sin. Such an attitude makes victory at that point impossible. On the other hand, there are earnest Christians who would have their right hand cut off rather than do the thing that hurts the Lord who died for them. They are most earnest in trying to put these things to death. But in this way also failure lies. The key in the verse is in those three glorious words: “by the


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