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En raison du manque de personnel, l’HGH envisage de fermer une partie du service des urgences. - photo d’archives
CHRISTOPHER SMITH christopher.smith@eap.on.ca
The hospital has enough rapid-antigen tests to shorten the time for some staff members to get back to work, but they don’t have access to more, and they don’t have enough for everyone. Dr. Julie Maranda, medical chief of staff at HGH, stated the hospital is working night and day to avoid getting to the point of closure. HGH declared a COVID-19 outbreak in one of its in-patient units on January 4. The outbreak is small and contained, she said, but fits the definition of a hospital outbreak because it involves at least two cases within 14 days. Dr. Paul Roumeliotis, medical officer of IFBMUIGPSUIF&BTUFSO0OUBSJP)FBMUI6OJU said that although stress is high at the HGH, it hasn’t reached the point of letting infected workers stay on the job to keep hospitals open like in Quebec.
Due to staffing shortages, the HGH is considering closing part of the emer- gency department. Hawkesbury and District General Hospital (HGH) is considering overnight closures of its emergency department because of staffing shortages. An internal memo from hospital management is urging all “off-duty person- nel” to take on additional shifts in the face of hundreds of staff members calling in sick. «The situation is more serious than it has ever been in the course of the pan- demic,» the memo said. «In the 100-year history of HGH, we have not had to close our [emergency department]. The closure has an impact on many families who will be required to travel considerably further for emergency services.»
Une voiture se dirigeant vers l’ouest est entrée en collision avec l’arrière d’un camion à semi-remorque sur la bretelle d’accès. Josée Grenier, 44 ans, de Vaudreuil-Dorion, Québec, était au volant de la voiture. Les ambulanciers ont constaté son décès sur les lieux de l’accident. Le conducteur du
La fin de l’année 2021 s’est terminée par un accident de la route mortel dans Prescott-Russell. Le détachement de Hawkesbury de la Police provinciale de l’Ontario a reçu un appel peu après 8 h, le 29 décembre, au sujet d’une collision de deux véhicules sur la bretelle d’accès à l’autoroute 417 en direction ouest, près du Centre d’informa- tion touristique de l’Ontario, dans le canton EF)BXLFTCVSZ&TU
camion de transport n’a pas été blessé. Au moment de
A fatal traffic accident December 29 on Highway 417 near East Hawkesbury Township marked the end of 2021 in Prescott-Russell.
mettre sous presse, les membres de l’unité d’enquête de la Division technique de la Police provin- ciale de l’Ontario, enquêtaient toujours sur les causes de la collision.
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