The Law Offices of Marc Shapiro P.A. - January 2022

January is National Hobby Month, and since it falls at the beginning of the year, it’s the perfect time to try something new! Hobbies add variety to your life and ensure you aren’t just living to work, so to speak. The best way to find a hobby you enjoy is to be open to new things. Whether it’s gardening, reading, drawing, running, fishing, crafting, or even beekeeping, finding an activity you enjoy is important. Here’s why! Skills That Enrich Us THE IMPORTANCE OF HAVING A HOBBY


Some hobbies involve group activities, such as bowling, sports teams, book clubs, and even wine tasting. Connecting with others offers the social support humans depend on to lead a healthy and fruitful life. Who knows? Maybe you’ll find some great friends who share the same passions as you!


Hobbies offer a healthy escape from your busy lifestyle by keeping you engaged in something you find pleasure in. Instead of just relaxing on the couch and turning off your mind for a bit (which is totally acceptable sometimes), hobbies allow you to remain mentally productive while winding down at the same time.


When you take on a new hobby, you are tasked with learning something new. Whether you’re practicing a new instrument, learning a different language, or figuring out how to make jewelry, a learning curve is involved. Building new skills takes patience, a very important attribute for success. Finding a hobby that suits you may take some exploration and trial and error, but it is all in good fun! Make it your goal to try something new or learn a new skill each month until you find something that sticks. Once you do, you’re sure to find that hobbies are both enjoyable and enriching!


Believe it or not, one type of stress is deemed beneficial: eustress. If you aren’t overly stressed and are feeling a little under-stimulated, a hobby can provide activity for both your mind and body to keep you feeling excited about life and ready to take on new challenges and adventures.

Why You Should Hire a Lawyer After a Car Accident

A car accident is a traumatic event. Even with most minor collisions, those involved have to deal with the headaches of collecting insurance information, filing a claim, and repairing the damage to their cars. In the worst cases, a person has suffered a significant injury, missed work, and seen their vehicle totaled. Amid the stress, many people don’t think about hiring a lawyer. That can be a grave mistake. It’s tempting to leave the details up to the insurance company, but they’re in the business of reducing their liability and paying out as little as possible. An experienced attorney knows the ins and outs of the legal system and the insurance process, and they’re in a much better place to assess the payout you deserve — and help you secure it. Hopefully, your case won’t end up in court. But if it does, you’ll want as much of a head start as possible. A car accident lawyer can help avoid the pitfalls an unrepresented victim may encounter. Plus, evidence can disappear quickly — the earlier you have an expert by your side, the better your case will be. What if you only have a minor accident or “fender bender”? Yes, you should still contact an attorney. Though you may feel fine and the dent may look minimal, you don’t know what will happen in a couple of weeks. What appears to be surface damage to your

vehicle could be hiding a more extensive issue underneath. And that headache or sore back can suddenly get worse after you thought you were out of the woods. Ironically, it’s also often more difficult to determine and prove fault in a fender bender than in a major accident. Minor accidents usually involve slow speeds and subtle driving errors, making it trickier to determine what happened. Further, bystanders are less likely to stop in a minor accident, giving you fewer witnesses to corroborate the events. While we hope you never have a car accident, we also hope you’ll choose an experienced car accident attorney if you do. Our skilled and dedicated legal team can give the guidance you need and ensure you receive the compensation you deserve. We’re always available for a free consultation.

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