

Horticultural Society holds first Swap Meet CANDICE VETTER

“My kids were so excited about the swap- ping. They kept saying, ‘We can take what- ever we want? We can take as much as we want?’” It made shopping easier for parents, who didn’t have to keep track of prices, and for volunteers who didn’t have to price the thousands of items. Donations exceeded expectations with the atrium and lobby area filled with goods. Former president Lindley McPhail said they could have used more shoppers, but in the end, between one-half and two-third of items had been taken. Leftovers were do- nated to another group planning a commu- nity garage sale fundraiser towards the Ar- thritis and Prostate Cancer Walk on May 11. Incoming president Louise Houle is very keen on holding another swap meet next year. Current president Pegi Holz said they raised about $600 this time and expect it to grow. pour ensuite en faire un exposé et le part- ager devant le public. Plusieurs critères entraient en ligne de compte, comme l’expression et la diction. La grande finale se tiendra le 4 mai prochain et verra le grand vainqueur repartir avec une bourse post- secondaire de 2500$. Lancé en 1928, il est le deuxième pro- gramme le plus populaire d’Optimist In- ternational. Chaque année, près de 2000 clubs y participent. Les lauréats à l’échelon du club reçoivent une médaille et ceux du niveau de la zone obtiennent une plaque. Les districts peuvent, à leur choix, offrir deux bourses d’études de 2500$ ou des bourses de 2500$, 1500$ et 1000$ respectivement aux détenteurs des première, deuxième et troisième places.

RUSSELL | The Russell and District Hor- ticultural Society held a swap meet, the first the group has organized, on Satur- day, March 23, in the atrium of St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic High School in Russell, to raise funds for their ongoing project, a Children’s Fantasy Reading Garden at the Russell branch of the library. The swap meet was set up so that anyone could drop off items either the night be- fore or early that day, then anyone coming in could pay a one-time fee of $10 and be allowed to take anything, and any amount, from the goods donated. Said Hort Society member and STA En- vironmental Science teacher Ann Jackson,

Photo Candice Vetter

Russell Meadows recognizes 60 volunteers The Russell and District Horticultural Society held their first SwapMeet at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic School on Saturday, March 23. Shown here at Hort Societymembers Louise Houle (incoming president), Pegi Holz (current president), Lindley McPhail (past president), and Ann Jackson, whose Environmental Science students helped out and created these posters.

Deux gagnants du concours d’art oratoire à Embrun


EMBRUN | Ce sont Myriam Doyon et Joël Leclerc qui sont les deux grands gagnants du concours oratoire Optimiste Embrun qui s’est tenu le 4 avril dernier. Étudiant en 8e année à l’école secondaire catholique Embrun, pavillon intermédiaire, Myriam et Joël ont automatiquement été invités à participer à la deuxième étape du Concours de la zone qui avait lieu à l’école secondaire publique Gisèle Lalonde, à Orlé- ans, et qui regroupait les clubs Optimistes d’Embrun, de Russell, de Vars, de Carlsbad Springs, de St-Joseph, d’Orléans et de Cum- berland. L’exercice consistait à rédiger un texte

Photo Candice Vetter

ESCC, championne provinciale d’impro

Russell Meadows retirement residence hosted its annual volunteer recognition luncheon on Thursday, April 18 as part of National Volunteer Week. The residence named 60 volunteers who help keep activities going. Volunteers received lunch, courtesy of the residence, and a gift of an umbrella. Some residents and staff also performed a skit about their home. Here, Herman Muller (Scarecrow), staff Francine Laviolette (Glinda), Wilma Bowles (Dorothy), volunteer Norah Martel (Lion), Phyllis Sweezey (Tin Man), and Gizmo (Toto) perform. Missing is co-owner Eric Chartrand (Wizard) and Manon Presseault (Queen Bee). Attendees were also entertained by Betty Hay’s poem, which named every volunteer, and by Russell Township Mayor J.P. St. Pierre’s toast. Rev. Jack Lovering said Grace.



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C’est du 18 au 20 avril qu’avait lieu le tout premier tournoi provincial d’improvisation pour les 7e et 8e années, à Kingston. C’est le pavillon intermédiaire de l’École secon- daire catholique de Casselman qui a remporté les grands honneurs. Dans la photo, de gauche à droite: Monica Gagnier, Maxime Racine, Caleb Séguin, Patrick Racine, Joël Adam, Alexandre Lalonde et l’entraîneur Patrick Leblanc.

92B MILL STREET, RUSSELL, ON. Site of former Warner public library. PLEASE CALL 613-445-1616 Ask for Chris, Dave, Heidi, Jocelyn or Robert (Our Farm Tax Specialist)

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