Al Jazeera In 1000 Academic Studies

77. Name: May Shigenobu Title: Framing and Agenda Setting Effects of Al Jazeera Arabic News Channel: The Effects of Satellite News Channels on Arab Societies Institution: Doshisha University Country: Japan Date: 2011 Language: Japanese Abstract: This study looks at how Arab satellite channels developed and how they became influential in Arab societies. The study uses a qualitative content analysis of the frames Al Jazeera employs when reporting news and covering controversial issues. It also examines the factors that influence these frames such as advertisement, ownership, political pressure and staff affiliations. The analysis focuses on three talk shows: ‘Al Ittijah al Mua’akis’ (the Opposite Direction), ‘Akthar Min Ra’i’ (More than One Opinion) and ‘Bila Hudud’ (Without Boundaries). It examines the topics regularly addressed in these programmes during 2006-2007 and analyzes their frames to see if they have a divisive or a unifying effect on the Arab audience. The research also compared the coverage of these programs for four landmark events in the Middle East (the Palestinian- Israeli conflict, the war on Iraq, the war on Afghanistan and Iran’s nuclear issue) during 1998- 2007. The findings showed that the rich media landscape allowed for the widening of political discourse, but the abundant availability of visual media and the variation of narratives alone has not been enough to lead to social mobilization.


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