Al Jazeera In 1000 Academic Studies

182. Name: Safiya Ibrahem Al-Abdalkarim Title: News as Brands: Branding Television News Channels in the Arab World, a Case Study of Al Jazeera, Al Arabiya, Al-Ekhbaria and Nile Television News Channels Institution: University of Salford Country: United Kingdom Date: 2019 Language: English Abstract: This research examines the use of news programmes as a means of branding television news channels in the Arab World. The researcher used a quantitative content analysis of the news programmes as well as semi-structured interviews with officials representing the four selected television news channels to explore their strategies in branding their television news channels via news programmes. News of the four selected Arabian television news channels (Aljazeera and Al-Arabiya, as Pan-Arab television news channels and the Nile and Al-Ekhbariya as government supported television news channels representing their regions), were analyzed to test how they were used as a means of branding their television news channels so they can compete in the Arab media landscape. The study aims to test the differences among the selected television news channels on utilizing elements of branding via their news programmes. The study indicates that television news channels used their news bulletin to build and / or enhance their brands through three main groups of elements (news content, news presenters and news production techniques). The study revealed that twenty-two elements of branding were found to be significant.


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