Al Jazeera In 1000 Academic Studies

190. Name: Lana K. Al-Atiyat Title: The Role of the Media in International Conflicts: The Role of Al Jazeera and Russia Today in the Syrian Conflict from 2011 to 2018 as a Case Study Institution: University of Jordan Country: Jordan Date: 2019 Language: Arabic Abstract: This study deals with the role of the media in international conflicts focusing on the coverage of Al Jazeera and Russia Today channels for the Syrian crisis from its beginning until 2018. The researcher applied the analytical method to analyze the sampled materials from the two channels’ coverage in the mentioned period to analyze their media discourse, as the two channels, which took different positions on the conflict. The study provides a background on the main factors affecting the formation of the media discourse and the extent to which it reflects the actors’ agendas in the Syrian conflict. It also examines the interaction of followers, who are no longer passive recipients of media messages, through feedback on the channels’ websites. The media now play an influential role in the course of events, directing international conflicts and supporting the political influence of their sponsors. The study concluded that there should be policies guaranteeing the neutrality of the media so they report news in a professional manner far from bias that contributes to fueling the conflict by serving its parties and engaging in their agendas.


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