Al Jazeera In 1000 Academic Studies

193. Name: Sahar El-Ashmawy Title: The Impact of Digital Technologies and their Effect on the ProcessofDemocratizationofArabMedia:theWebsitesofAlArabiya, Al Jazeera and BBC Arabic Institution: Universidad Complutense de Madrid Country: Spain Date: 2019 Language: Spanish Abstract: The ecosystem of communication and social culture in the Arab world has been undergoing a continuous process of changes and re- structuring. In this research, the focus is on the nature and influence of communication in Arab societies. The study analyzes the interrelation between technological and socio-political changes that try to influence cultural, social, political, organizational, and educational systems. The new communication structures helped to blur the boundaries between media organizations to create heterogeneous contents that complement each other and are disseminated on different media platforms. The contentment analysis of the three websites of Al, Al and BBC contributes to a better understanding of the reasons behind the social and political changes in the region. It also show the transformations of the new forms of vertical information consumption and its horizontal redistribution in the Arab online society. The findings indicate that it is necessary to open new horizons of academic research in the information technology society and communication in the Arab world. At the same time, the research drew a new map of the Arab media with a new media model.


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