Al Jazeera In 1000 Academic Studies

195. Name: Shubhada Chaudhary Title: The Role of Al Jazeera English in the Uprisings in Egypt Institution: Jawaharlal Nehru University Country: India Date: 2019 Language: English Abstract: This study investigates the Arab media coverage of the Arab spring uprisings. It focuses on Al Jazeera English’s coverage of the uprising in Egypt. The study tries to understand how Arab media, tackled the issues of orientalism, race, gender discourse, political motherhood and ethnicity, while narrating the uprisings. The study draws on theories of international relations, social constructivism, new protest movements, technological determinism of digital media and state-media relations. The study took into account the in-depth study of various sects in Egypt and questioned the narrative of sectarianism. The thesis also deals with new protest movements and the new waves of democracy, and how media theories often fail to decipher these blurred lines, especially in the voices from the global south. The researcher conducted 40 interviews with Egyptian academics, activists, journalists and media professionals. This study provides a grassroots level analysis of how Al Jazeera English portrayed the Egyptian uprisings in 2011 and 2013. The analysis of Interviews with revolutionaries, journalists, and academics highlights various challenges facing the coverage of these events, including the language and the politics of reporting from Tahrir Square.


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